Tuesday, December 05, 2023

FaithX: Beloved

If you are not familiar with FaithX, you can visit our website: www.brethren.org/faithx or I can send you more information. Or, you may know FaithX by its previous name, Workcamps - same program, different connotation.
Trips that are seeking FaithX leadership:
  • Denton, MD (Camp Mardela): June 9-14, junior & senior high
  • Roanoke, VA: June 19-23, junior high
  • Petersburg, PA (Camp Blue Diamond): June 23-27, family
  • North Fort Myers, FL: July 14-20, senior high
  • Palmyra, PA: July 17-21, junior high
A few important details about being a FaithX leader:
  • FaithX trips have two leaders, so you always have a partner to work with - plus, youth groups send advisors, so you have additional adult support to assist your leadership team
  • FaithX leaders are responsible for planning/leading devotions on each day of the trip, keeping everything on schedule and managing the logistics (meals, transportation, activities), ensuring safety, and bringing the fun - I'd sum it up as camp counselor plus tour guide with a dash of CEO
  • FaithX covers your cost to act as a leader - this includes transportation to/from the trip, food, housing, week-of transportation, and program costs
  • FaithX leaders must be available for the entirety of the trip plus at least one extra day at the beginning (leaders arrive early to get set up, obtain rental cars, purchase groceries, etc.)

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