Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2007 Youth Peace Travel Team

Applicants are sought for the 2007 Youth Peace Travel Team, which is jointly sponsored by On Earth Peace, the Outdoor Ministries Association, Brethren Volunteer Service, the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, and the Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Church of the Brethren General Board. It is "not just another summer job" according to a personal testimony from 2006 team member Margaret Bortner of Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, included in an announcement from On Earth Peace: "Fifteen states, seven church camps, Annual Conference, National Youth Conference, hundreds of new friends, lots of free ice cream, an afternoon in Hollywood: this was my summer job. Youth Peace Travel Team presented opportunities that I otherwise may not have had." The four-member team spends the summer together visiting Church of the Brethren camps to promote peace. "If you care passionately for peace and justice and are interested in leaving your comfort zone next summer, please consider applying.... It will stretch you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically--and you will love it," said Bortner. Applications are due Feb. 4, 2007. For more information visit or contact Phil Jones at the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, 202-546-3202,; or Susanna Farahat at On Earth Peace, 410-635-8706,
Workcamp DVD

A promotional DVD for the 2007 workcamps offered by the Church of the Brethren General Board is now available. The DVD includes general information about workcamps and the expansion of the workcamp program, as well as 2007 calendar information. The DVD is a useful tool for sharing the workcamp philosophy, as it features interviews with the coordinators and past workcamp participants. Registration for 2007 workcamps begins Jan. 3, 2007, online at To request a DVD, write to or call Amy Rhodes at 800-323-8039 ext. 281.
Registration begins for Christian Citizenship Seminar.

Online registration is beginning for the 2007 Christian Citizenship Seminar for youth on the theme, "The State of Our Health." The Brethren Witness/Washington Office and the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office of the Church of the Brethren General Board jointly sponsor the annual seminar in Washington, D.C., and New York City. The event will take place March 24-29, 2007.

Participants will explore and be challenged by the many health concerns and conditions of the global population, including the HIV/AIDS explosion in Africa and how HIV/AIDS affects people in US communities, the overwhelming poverty of many Latin America countries, and the effects of prenatal care, poverty, and hunger on the world's population. The group will consider the advantages, challenges, and privileges of health care programs, and engage in advocacy for the hungry, disabled, uninsured, and voiceless people of the world. The week will include speakers, presentations, interactive worship, workshops, and on-site visits and direct advocacy with members of Congress.

High school youth and adult advisors are eligible to attend. Registration is limited to the first 100 youth and adults who apply; registration will be cut off by Feb. 28 or as soon as 100 registrations have been received. Cost is $350, which includes lodging for five nights, dinner on the opening evening, and transportation from New York to Washington.

To register go to For more information or for a brochure contact the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office at 800-323-8039 or e-mail

Source: 12/20/2006 Newsline