Sunday, June 22, 2014

NYC Prayer Day

Today is a day of prayer for this summer’s National Youth Conference (NYC).

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Update on National Youth Conference

A group of forty four (44) youth and advisers have registered for the District Bus to National Youth Conference We will be leaving from Naperville on July 18th with a pick up in Milledgeville for our journey to Fort Collins Colorado. The pick up spot in Peoria was cancelled due to lack of registrations. We will be returning on July 25th. Additional youth will be attending the conference. As of April 63 youth, advisers, and staff people will be attending National Youth Conference representing our district. At this point we only have a couple of seats remaining on the Bus, so be sure to contact Ralph Miner at if you have any questions.

National Youth Conference at Fort Collins, Colorado
July 19 - 24, 2014