"Brethren Voices," a public television show produced by Peace Church of the Brethren
in Portland, Ore., has announced upcoming shows. In March “Brethren
Voices” features Merle Forney, founder of "Kids as Peacemakers." Forney
is interviewed about his own peace journey beginning at Hanover (Pa.)
Church of the Brethren. “It led him to a unique idea of assisting youth
in a discussion of peace and then transmitting their thoughts onto an
artistic work,” said a release from producer Ed Groff. “The work of art
is then displayed in front of the church or sponsoring organization.”
Kids as Peacemakers is now a sponsored program of On Earth Peace; for
more information see www.onearthpeace.org
. In April, "Brethren Voices" features Annual Conference moderator
Nancy Sollenberger Heishman, interviewed by host Brent Carlson at Cross
Keys Village-the Brethren Home Community in New Oxford, Pa. She is the
seventh moderator to share his or her story with "Brethren Voices." In
May, the show features Brethren Disaster Ministries, and travels to
South Toms River, N.J., to meet with a group of Brethren volunteers from
Indiana rebuilding homes affected by Hurricane Sandy. Also in the works
is a program with Andy Murray who has retired after many years at
Juniata College and who, with his wife, Terry are well known in Brethren
circles for their music ministry. Viewers are treated to a special
visit to their home in Huntdingdon, Pa., overlooking the campus of
Juniata College. Copies of "Brethren Voices" may be obtained from
Portland Peace Church of the Brethren. Contact Ed Groff at Groffprod1@msn.com . Over 50 of the programs can be viewed on www.youtube.com/Brethrenvoices.
Source: 3/11/2014 Newsline
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