Church of the Brethren’s Youth Peace Travel Team for 2013 has been
announced: Jacob Crouse, Heather Gentry, and Amanda McLearn-Montz.
Composed of Ministry Summer Service interns between the ages of 19
and 22, the team is sponsored by the church’s Outdoor Ministries
Association, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Advocacy and Peace
Witness Ministry, and On Earth Peace. The group gives peace programs at a
variety of camps and conferences over the summer including the Annual
Conference of the Church of the Brethren. The first Youth Peace Travel
Team was formed in the summer of 1991, and since that year a team has
been fielded every summer.
Jacob Crouse, from Warrensburg, Mo., is a member of
Warrensburg Church of the Brethren and Missouri and Arkansas District.
He is majoring in Music Technology and minoring in Spanish at the
University of Central Missouri. “I've had the good fortune of attending
many Brethren camps, conferences, and churches,” he writes in a personal
bio prepared for the Youth and Young Adult Ministries office. “This
summer, I will finally be able to visit some of them again and see new
places while meeting many people and sharing with them a message of
Heather Gentry, from Hinton, Va., is a member of
Mount Bethel Church of the Brethren and Shenandoah District and counts
Brethren Woods as her “home camp.” She attends Bridgewater (Va.) College
where she is studying Family and Consumer Sciences as well as
Elementary and ESL Education. She write, “I look forward to seeing new
camps, meeting new people, and seeing what God is doing and how we can
be a part of it.”
Amanda McLearn-Montz, from Ankeny, Iowa, is a member
of Panther Creek Church of the Brethren and Northern Plains District.
Currently, she attends Tulane University in New Orleans, where she is
majoring in Public Health, minoring in Spanish, and is a pre-med
student. “I went to Camp Emmaus as a camper and served on Camp Pine
Lake's summer staff last summer,” she write. “I can't wait to come back
to camp and share my love of peace and God with teens and kids!”
As the team spends time with junior and senior high youth this summer
at camps across the denomination, they will teach about peace, justice,
and reconciliation, all core values throughout the Church of the
Brethren’s 300-plus year history. Follow the ministry of the 2013 Youth
Peace Travel Team by visiting
Source: 2/7/2013 Newsline