Youth seek ‘Hidden Treasure’ at Powerhouse regional youth conference.
No pirates were involved, but about 100 senior high youth and advisors came to Manchester College in Indiana on Nov. 13-14 to seek "Hidden Treasure" at the 2010 Powerhouse Church of the Brethren regional youth conference.
Participants came from six districts spanning Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois as the conference received a "reboot" in a new format and new time of year after a two-year absence. The conference was organized by Manchester’s Campus Ministry office, and many Brethren college students assisted with the weekend.
Three worship services looked at "The Treasure Within" (our unique gifts and talents), "The Treasure Among Us" (our larger faith community), and "The Treasure Before Us" (scripture and the pursuit of wisdom). Angie Lahman Yoder, a Manchester alumna from Peoria, Ariz., spoke at two of the services, and another alumnus, Brethren videographer Dave Sollenberger of North Manchester, Ind., wove reflections amid a series of video clips at the other. Manchester sophomore Kay Guyer, an art major, created three colorful banners that hung in Wampler Auditorium to illustrate the themes.
Other highlights of the weekend included a high-energy concert by Mutual Kumquat, a popular band composed mostly of Manchester graduates, and a selection of breakout sessions led by denominational leaders, local pastors, and Manchester faculty on themes of vocation, service, salvation, and wisdom literature. Youth also had time to explore the campus, play games, do creative arts, or relax.
Feedback was positive, and another conference is tentatively being planned for next fall. Watch for details at
-- Walt Wiltschek is campus minister at Manchester College in North Manchester, Ind.
Source: 12/15/2010 Newsline
News items pertaining to youth and young adults in the Church of the Brethren.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Resources on Bullying
Church of the Brethren resources on the problem of bullying are available online, including a pastoral letter signed by general secretary Stan Noffsinger, a video clip of Noffsinger speaking about the issue, "Safe Places" materials originally prepared for a Health Promotion Sunday, and more. "Our response to bullying, at its base, is a response to violence. Bullying, for any reason and in any manner, is inconsistent with the Good News of Jesus Christ," the letter says, in part. Find resources at
Source: 12/15/2010 Newsline
Church of the Brethren resources on the problem of bullying are available online, including a pastoral letter signed by general secretary Stan Noffsinger, a video clip of Noffsinger speaking about the issue, "Safe Places" materials originally prepared for a Health Promotion Sunday, and more. "Our response to bullying, at its base, is a response to violence. Bullying, for any reason and in any manner, is inconsistent with the Good News of Jesus Christ," the letter says, in part. Find resources at
Source: 12/15/2010 Newsline
Shane Claiborne to Speak at Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren
Shane Claiborne, one of the keynote speakers at National Youth Conference, will be featured at a meeting at Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren at 7 p.m. on Jan. 4, 2011. "Another way of Doing Life" will be the subject of his presentation. The announcement of the event notes that his message is a needed one during a time of unemployment, war, environmental disaster, and political corruption. All are welcome, including parents and grandparents. A free-will offering will pay for the expenses of the evening. Claiborne’s appearance is sponsored by the Taxes for Peace Interest Group of the Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness and 1040 for Peace. For more information, contact John Stoner at 717-859-3388.
Source: 12/15/2010 Newsline
Shane Claiborne, one of the keynote speakers at National Youth Conference, will be featured at a meeting at Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren at 7 p.m. on Jan. 4, 2011. "Another way of Doing Life" will be the subject of his presentation. The announcement of the event notes that his message is a needed one during a time of unemployment, war, environmental disaster, and political corruption. All are welcome, including parents and grandparents. A free-will offering will pay for the expenses of the evening. Claiborne’s appearance is sponsored by the Taxes for Peace Interest Group of the Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness and 1040 for Peace. For more information, contact John Stoner at 717-859-3388.
Source: 12/15/2010 Newsline
Friday, November 05, 2010
2011 Youth Peace Travel Team Applications
Applications are being received for the 2011 Youth Peace Travel Team. The team is sponsored annually by the Church of the Brethren's Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Brethren Volunteer Service, On Earth Peace, and the Outdoor Ministries Association. Dates of service for the 2011 team are May 30-Aug. 15. Members of the team travel to Brethren camps throughout the US with the goal of talking with other young people about the Christian message and the Brethren tradition of peacemaking. College-age Church of the Brethren young adults (19-22 years old) will be selected. A stipend is paid to team members. Find the application at For more information contact the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office at 800-323-8039 ext. 289. Applications are due Jan. 19, 2011.
Source: 11/4/2010 Newsline
Applications are being received for the 2011 Youth Peace Travel Team. The team is sponsored annually by the Church of the Brethren's Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Brethren Volunteer Service, On Earth Peace, and the Outdoor Ministries Association. Dates of service for the 2011 team are May 30-Aug. 15. Members of the team travel to Brethren camps throughout the US with the goal of talking with other young people about the Christian message and the Brethren tradition of peacemaking. College-age Church of the Brethren young adults (19-22 years old) will be selected. A stipend is paid to team members. Find the application at For more information contact the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office at 800-323-8039 ext. 289. Applications are due Jan. 19, 2011.
Source: 11/4/2010 Newsline
Thursday, November 04, 2010
2012 Workcamp Coordinators Sought
Assistant coordinators for the 2012 workcamp ministry are sought by the Church of the Brethren. "Are you a young adult who loves workcamps?" said an invitation. "Would you like to serve through Brethren Volunteer Service?" To learn more, go to or contact the workcamp office at or 800-323-8039.
Source: 11/4/2010 Newsline
Assistant coordinators for the 2012 workcamp ministry are sought by the Church of the Brethren. "Are you a young adult who loves workcamps?" said an invitation. "Would you like to serve through Brethren Volunteer Service?" To learn more, go to or contact the workcamp office at or 800-323-8039.
Source: 11/4/2010 Newsline
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Workcamps are scheduled for summer 2011.
The 2011 schedule of summer workcamps has been announced by the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry. The 2011 workcamp theme is "We Are the Body" (Romans 12:4-5). The week-long service opportunities are for those from age 12 to 100-plus. Held in the months of June, July, and August, the workcamp ministry provides an opportunity for spiritual formation through service and simple living in Christian community.
"The 2011 workcamps offer the chance to step out of our singular day-to-day lives and enter into a spirit of unity with fellow workcampers, people of other cultures and communities, and God’s creation," said the announcement. "It is through this movement that we can evolve into the living Body of Jesus!"
In 2011, 29 workcamps will be offered in diverse locations. Four of the workcamps offer unique and special opportunities:
-- A Young Adult Workcamp in Taizé, France, and Geneva, Switzerland, for ages 18-35 will be held June 4-14. This first workcamp of the summer offers young adults the opportunity to travel and explore relationships as individuals and a denomination with the global Body of Christ. The Taizé community in France is especially designed as a place for Christian young adults from across the globe to come together for work, Bible study, worship, and fellowship. After a week in Taizé, the group will visit the World Council of Churches, World Health Organization, and other international organizations to learn about their ministries.
The 2011 schedule of summer workcamps has been announced by the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry. The 2011 workcamp theme is "We Are the Body" (Romans 12:4-5). The week-long service opportunities are for those from age 12 to 100-plus. Held in the months of June, July, and August, the workcamp ministry provides an opportunity for spiritual formation through service and simple living in Christian community.
"The 2011 workcamps offer the chance to step out of our singular day-to-day lives and enter into a spirit of unity with fellow workcampers, people of other cultures and communities, and God’s creation," said the announcement. "It is through this movement that we can evolve into the living Body of Jesus!"
In 2011, 29 workcamps will be offered in diverse locations. Four of the workcamps offer unique and special opportunities:
-- A Young Adult Workcamp in Taizé, France, and Geneva, Switzerland, for ages 18-35 will be held June 4-14. This first workcamp of the summer offers young adults the opportunity to travel and explore relationships as individuals and a denomination with the global Body of Christ. The Taizé community in France is especially designed as a place for Christian young adults from across the globe to come together for work, Bible study, worship, and fellowship. After a week in Taizé, the group will visit the World Council of Churches, World Health Organization, and other international organizations to learn about their ministries.
- An Intergenerational Workcamp in Coconino National Forest, Ariz., for ages 12 to 100-plus will be held June 25-30. This workcamp promises to be a true nature adventure. Participants will meet in the mountains of northern Arizona, and then backpack a short distance onto National Forest property to set up base camp for the week. Lodging and food will be primitive as the group enjoys fellowshiping together in God’s glorious creation. Work will involve removing invasive crayfish from streams and improving habitat for native fish species. Bring the whole family for an intense week serving on some of God’s holy ground.
- The "We Are Able" Workcamp at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., for ages 16-23 will be held July 11/12-15. With the recognition that all people have gifts to share, this workcamp enables youth and young adults with intellectual disabilities to serve side-by-side with a service partner youth or young adult. The group will work at SERRV and the Material Resources warehouse.
- Haitian Church of the Brethren in Miami, Fla., is the setting for a senior high workcamp on June 20-26. This church with over 400 members is located in the heart of the Haitian community in Miami, and the workcamp is an opportunity learn more about Haitian-American brothers and sisters while serving together and celebrating in Christian fellowship. Worship on Sunday morning will be in both English and Haitian Kreyol. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen faith while experiencing the vibrant, passionate witness of the Haitian church.
-- Jeanne Davies coordinates the Church of the Brethren’s Workcamp Ministry.
Source: 10/21/2010 Newsline
Junior High Sunday - November 7, 2010
Junior High Sunday on Nov. 7 will focus on the theme, "Piece by Piece: Finding Our Place Within God's Story" (Ephesians 2:19-22). Resources at include a bulletin cover, Bible study, lectionary commentary, worship resources such as invocations and litanies, a drama, and a scripture jam. For more contact the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office at 800-323-8039.
Source: 10/21/2010 Newsline
Junior High Sunday on Nov. 7 will focus on the theme, "Piece by Piece: Finding Our Place Within God's Story" (Ephesians 2:19-22). Resources at include a bulletin cover, Bible study, lectionary commentary, worship resources such as invocations and litanies, a drama, and a scripture jam. For more contact the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office at 800-323-8039.
Source: 10/21/2010 Newsline
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Summer Workcamps Explore Passion, Practices of Early Church.
In 2010, more than 350 participants took part in 15 workcamps through the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry. "With Glad and Generous Hearts" was the workcamp theme based on Acts 2:44-47 and during each week of workcamps participants explored the passionate Christian practices of the early church.
Young adults served at New Covenant School in St. Louis du Nord, Haiti, leading crafts, games, songs, and providing a Bible story theater and snacks at a Vacation Bible School. They also worked on the school’s new building.
Intellectually disabled youth and young adults served at the "We Are Able" workcamp held at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.
Junior high youth took part in workcamps in Elgin, Ill.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Ashland, Ohio; Roanoke, Va.; Harrisburg, Pa.; and Richmond, Va. Junior high students at the Harrisburg workcamp worked alongside the Brethren Housing Association helping to provide housing and social services to the homeless.
Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) senior high youth took part in workcamps in the Dominican Republic and Mexico.
An intergenerational workcamp at the Brethren Service Center and co-led by On Earth Peace gave participants of all ages the opportunity to serve and learn about peacemaking.
For more information about youth and young adult workcamps, contact the Workcamp Office at 800-323-8039 or, or visit
-- Jeanne Davies coordinates workcamps for the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Source: 10/7/2010 Newsline
In 2010, more than 350 participants took part in 15 workcamps through the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry. "With Glad and Generous Hearts" was the workcamp theme based on Acts 2:44-47 and during each week of workcamps participants explored the passionate Christian practices of the early church.
Young adults served at New Covenant School in St. Louis du Nord, Haiti, leading crafts, games, songs, and providing a Bible story theater and snacks at a Vacation Bible School. They also worked on the school’s new building.
Intellectually disabled youth and young adults served at the "We Are Able" workcamp held at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md.
Junior high youth took part in workcamps in Elgin, Ill.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Ashland, Ohio; Roanoke, Va.; Harrisburg, Pa.; and Richmond, Va. Junior high students at the Harrisburg workcamp worked alongside the Brethren Housing Association helping to provide housing and social services to the homeless.
Brethren Revival Fellowship (BRF) senior high youth took part in workcamps in the Dominican Republic and Mexico.
An intergenerational workcamp at the Brethren Service Center and co-led by On Earth Peace gave participants of all ages the opportunity to serve and learn about peacemaking.
For more information about youth and young adult workcamps, contact the Workcamp Office at 800-323-8039 or, or visit
-- Jeanne Davies coordinates workcamps for the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Source: 10/7/2010 Newsline
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Welcome to Powerhouse! For many years, Manchester College has hosted a weekend conference for Church of the Brethren youth in the Midwest region. Following a brief hiatus, it's back, and we hope you can be a part of it.
This new "Powerhouse" weekend will seek to build on the recent Church of the Brethren National Youth Conference, with an experience centered in worship, Bible study, and fellowship. It is being planned by the College in cooperation with area youth leaders and districts.
If you were at NYC, we hope this weekend provides you a place to reconnect, grow, and take the next steps on your faith journey. If not, hopefully this will give you a taste of that conference and give you an experience of your own to power up your spiritual life.
Powerhouse 2010 features:
- Angie Lahman Yoder - A former high school teacher, Angie is currently a full-time mom who works part-time teaching about whole-life wellness. A licensed minister, she serves as Minister of Worship at Circle of Peace Church of the Brethren in Peoria, Ariz. She is a Manchester alumnus and was one of the worship speakers at NYC 2010.
- David Sollenberger - Dave, another Manchester alum, is best known as the main videographer for the Church of the Brethren, recording church life and activity across the US and around the world. He and his wife, Mary, now spend most of their time in North Manchester. Dave was also a worship speaker at NYC.
- Mutual Kumquat - This band, which formed at Manchester College, describes their sound as "good times revolution music." They recently recorded two new albums and have played all across the denomination, including at NYC 2010.
- DATES: Nov. 13-14, 2010
- LOCATION: Manchester College,
North Manchester, Ind. - WHO: All youth in grades 9-12
and advisors - COST: $40 per person
- THEME: "Hidden Treasure"
e-mail Walt Wiltschek at
or call 260-982-5243
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Manchester College Regional Youth Conference: Nov. 13-14
Manchester College this fall resumes hosting a regional youth conference for Church of the Brethren youth in the Midwest. The conference, titled "Powerhouse 2010," will be held on Nov. 13-14 on the college campus in North Manchester, Ind., for youth in grades 9-12 and advisors. Presenters will include National Youth Conference speakers Angie Lahman Yoder and Dave Sollenberger on the theme "Hidden Treasure" (Proverbs 2:1-5). The weekend will include worship, Bible study, games, recreation, music, and more. Further details, including registration information, will be available early this fall.
Source: 5/20/2010 Newsline
Manchester College this fall resumes hosting a regional youth conference for Church of the Brethren youth in the Midwest. The conference, titled "Powerhouse 2010," will be held on Nov. 13-14 on the college campus in North Manchester, Ind., for youth in grades 9-12 and advisors. Presenters will include National Youth Conference speakers Angie Lahman Yoder and Dave Sollenberger on the theme "Hidden Treasure" (Proverbs 2:1-5). The weekend will include worship, Bible study, games, recreation, music, and more. Further details, including registration information, will be available early this fall.
Source: 5/20/2010 Newsline
Young Adult Conference: May 29-31
Young Adult Conference meets May 29-31 at Camp Blue Diamond near Petersburg, Pa. The theme for this gathering of Church of the Brethren young adults is "Community" based on Romans 12:4-8. Information, schedule, and registration are online at
Haven't signed up yet? There is still time! Call 800-323-8039, x 297.
Source: 5/20/2010 Newsline
Young Adult Conference meets May 29-31 at Camp Blue Diamond near Petersburg, Pa. The theme for this gathering of Church of the Brethren young adults is "Community" based on Romans 12:4-8. Information, schedule, and registration are online at
Haven't signed up yet? There is still time! Call 800-323-8039, x 297.
Source: 5/20/2010 Newsline
Thursday, April 22, 2010
National Youth Sunday
Sunday, May 2, is National Youth Sunday in the Church of the Brethren. Resources for a youth-led worship service are available at Downloadable resources include calls to worship, prayers, a scripture jam, ideas for offering and children’s time, sermon outlines, a benediction, and resources for celebrating and commissioning youth who plan to attend this summer’s National Youth Conference (NYC). The theme is the same as for NYC: "More than Meets the Eye" (2 Corinthians 4:6-10 and 16-18).
Source: 4/22/2010 Newsline
Sunday, May 2, is National Youth Sunday in the Church of the Brethren. Resources for a youth-led worship service are available at Downloadable resources include calls to worship, prayers, a scripture jam, ideas for offering and children’s time, sermon outlines, a benediction, and resources for celebrating and commissioning youth who plan to attend this summer’s National Youth Conference (NYC). The theme is the same as for NYC: "More than Meets the Eye" (2 Corinthians 4:6-10 and 16-18).
Source: 4/22/2010 Newsline
Moving Forward Together: Visions of Young American Ecumenists
National Council of Churches (NCC) president elect Kathryn Lohre is calling for essays written by emerging ecumenists ages 35 and younger. Essays must address the theme, "Moving Forward Together: Visions of Young American Ecumenists." Selected essays will appear in an anthology to be presented at the NCC CWS Ecumenical Centennial Gathering in November. The project is intended to cultivate emerging ecumenical leaders, increase the visibility of the work of the NCC among younger generations, and provide a resource for intergenerational dialogue. Essays should focus primarily on one of the themes listed below, and should seek to convey the author’s ecumenical vision in both theological and practical terms: unity, mission, the Creation, the economy/cultures of greed, Christian identity and interfaith relations, overcoming violence/living in peace, overcoming poverty, overcoming racism, overcoming sexism/gender justice. For submission requirements and more information go to Complete submissions must be received in both hard copy and electronic form by May 1, 12 p.m. (eastern time).
Source: 4/22/2010 Newsline
National Council of Churches (NCC) president elect Kathryn Lohre is calling for essays written by emerging ecumenists ages 35 and younger. Essays must address the theme, "Moving Forward Together: Visions of Young American Ecumenists." Selected essays will appear in an anthology to be presented at the NCC CWS Ecumenical Centennial Gathering in November. The project is intended to cultivate emerging ecumenical leaders, increase the visibility of the work of the NCC among younger generations, and provide a resource for intergenerational dialogue. Essays should focus primarily on one of the themes listed below, and should seek to convey the author’s ecumenical vision in both theological and practical terms: unity, mission, the Creation, the economy/cultures of greed, Christian identity and interfaith relations, overcoming violence/living in peace, overcoming poverty, overcoming racism, overcoming sexism/gender justice. For submission requirements and more information go to Complete submissions must be received in both hard copy and electronic form by May 1, 12 p.m. (eastern time).
Source: 4/22/2010 Newsline
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Young Adult Conference to meet on 'Community.'
Another year of planning and work for the young adult steering committee has begun. This usually includes hours of praying, thinking, processing, and even an impressive amount of laughter. All the ingredients needed to create a successful, meaningful, and more importantly, blessed young adult conference!
This year's Young Adult Conference is simply themed "Community." Such a small word packed with meaning for young adults in the Church of the Brethren as well as the church as a whole.
After taking a close look at the first churches of Christ in the book of Acts, it becomes quite clear that the church today does not fully resemble the church we see there. During that time, the followers of Christ lived in close-knit groups and shared everything they had. They created a community amongst themselves.
Now we find ourselves far from this original set up, with modern technology and the idea of "every man for himself." We are surrounded by constant pressure to make money, live comfortably, and put ourselves before others. Online options such as Facebook and Google replace older forms of personal relationships, and even our dependence on one another for finding and learning new information.
"For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness" (Romans 12:4-8).
All of us have been given gifts from the Lord, some of which are mentioned in Romans 12. Many people attend church and just become a face in the crowd because they do not know where they fit in, or where they feel comfortable. Helping other people find their place in the body of Christ is just as important as finding our own. We are all one body in Christ and cannot survive while another part suffers.
At Young Adult Conference we will explore how we can create community, starting by looking within. What talents has the Lord given us? How can these talents be used to better the church community? How can we help others discover their gifts and gain confidence to use them for Christ? How can we as young adults of the Church of the Brethren get back to our roots? This year's conference will try to answer these questions by taking a deeper look at what the Lord tells us about community. How do we define it? Build it? Seek it? Maintain it?
Join us this Memorial Day weekend, May 29-31, at Camp Blue Diamond in Petersburg, Pa., to help us build a community of young adult believers. There will be workshops, worship services, a coffeehouse, campfires, and amazing fellowship. Young adults ages 18-35 are invited, and registration is open now! Go to
-- Jennifer Lynn Quijano is a member of the Young Adult Steering Committee.
Source: 4/7/2010 Newsline
Another year of planning and work for the young adult steering committee has begun. This usually includes hours of praying, thinking, processing, and even an impressive amount of laughter. All the ingredients needed to create a successful, meaningful, and more importantly, blessed young adult conference!
This year's Young Adult Conference is simply themed "Community." Such a small word packed with meaning for young adults in the Church of the Brethren as well as the church as a whole.
After taking a close look at the first churches of Christ in the book of Acts, it becomes quite clear that the church today does not fully resemble the church we see there. During that time, the followers of Christ lived in close-knit groups and shared everything they had. They created a community amongst themselves.
Now we find ourselves far from this original set up, with modern technology and the idea of "every man for himself." We are surrounded by constant pressure to make money, live comfortably, and put ourselves before others. Online options such as Facebook and Google replace older forms of personal relationships, and even our dependence on one another for finding and learning new information.
"For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness" (Romans 12:4-8).
All of us have been given gifts from the Lord, some of which are mentioned in Romans 12. Many people attend church and just become a face in the crowd because they do not know where they fit in, or where they feel comfortable. Helping other people find their place in the body of Christ is just as important as finding our own. We are all one body in Christ and cannot survive while another part suffers.
At Young Adult Conference we will explore how we can create community, starting by looking within. What talents has the Lord given us? How can these talents be used to better the church community? How can we help others discover their gifts and gain confidence to use them for Christ? How can we as young adults of the Church of the Brethren get back to our roots? This year's conference will try to answer these questions by taking a deeper look at what the Lord tells us about community. How do we define it? Build it? Seek it? Maintain it?
Join us this Memorial Day weekend, May 29-31, at Camp Blue Diamond in Petersburg, Pa., to help us build a community of young adult believers. There will be workshops, worship services, a coffeehouse, campfires, and amazing fellowship. Young adults ages 18-35 are invited, and registration is open now! Go to
-- Jennifer Lynn Quijano is a member of the Young Adult Steering Committee.
Source: 4/7/2010 Newsline
Young adult workcamp will be held in Haiti in June.
The church's Youth and Young Adult Office is planning a young adult workcamp at the New Covenant School in St. Louis du Nord, Haiti, on June 1-8. St. Louis du Nord is a day's drive away from Port-au-Prince and was not affected by the recent earthquake.
However, along with disaster response and crisis intervention, there also is a need for longterm mission in Haiti. One way the Church of the Brethren is attempting to do this is through support of education. Although there are some public schools in Haiti, 90 percent of primary schools are private. Even in public schools, the cost of fees, uniforms, and books is too expensive for the families of many Haitian children.
New Covenant School was founded in St. Louis du Nord to give neighborhood children the opportunity of a basic education. The school also holds Christian education classes on Sunday mornings. The school is currently housed in a rented property but is in the process of constructing a new school building.
Young adult workcamp participants will work alongside members of the community on the new building, and also will lead crafts and games at a Vacation Bible School led by the teachers of New Covenant School.
There are still a few places left in this summer's workcamp. To register, go to or call the workcamp office at 800-323-8039 ext. 286.
-- Jeanne Davies is coordinator of the Church of the Brethren's Workcamp Ministry.
Source: 4/7/2010 Newsline Special
The church's Youth and Young Adult Office is planning a young adult workcamp at the New Covenant School in St. Louis du Nord, Haiti, on June 1-8. St. Louis du Nord is a day's drive away from Port-au-Prince and was not affected by the recent earthquake.
However, along with disaster response and crisis intervention, there also is a need for longterm mission in Haiti. One way the Church of the Brethren is attempting to do this is through support of education. Although there are some public schools in Haiti, 90 percent of primary schools are private. Even in public schools, the cost of fees, uniforms, and books is too expensive for the families of many Haitian children.
New Covenant School was founded in St. Louis du Nord to give neighborhood children the opportunity of a basic education. The school also holds Christian education classes on Sunday mornings. The school is currently housed in a rented property but is in the process of constructing a new school building.
Young adult workcamp participants will work alongside members of the community on the new building, and also will lead crafts and games at a Vacation Bible School led by the teachers of New Covenant School.
There are still a few places left in this summer's workcamp. To register, go to or call the workcamp office at 800-323-8039 ext. 286.
-- Jeanne Davies is coordinator of the Church of the Brethren's Workcamp Ministry.
Source: 4/7/2010 Newsline Special
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
2010 National Youth Conference
Illinois/Wisconsin District Bus Trip
Hop on the bus for fun and adventure as the IL/WI District Youth travel to NYC in Ft Collins, CO! Join other youth and advisors from exotic far away places like Freeport, Decatur, Elgin, Springfield and Canton!
Relax and have fun while you are on the road to what others have referred to as “a once in a lifetime, life changing experience!”
When: Buses will leave Illinois on July 16 and return on July 23rd, exact times to be determined
Where: Bus pickups and drop offs will occur at Naperville Church of the Brethren, Peoria First Church of the Brethren and Dixon Church of the Brethren
Cost: $ 230 (this is the cost of the bus only, and does not include your NYC registration or meals along the way) $50 deposit are due by April 30. The remaining $180 balance is due by June 1. All payments are non-refundable after June 1.
Reservations: E-mail with basic information (name, address, e-mail, church, and advisor) as soon as possible. Complete the registration forms and return to IL/WI District Youth Cabinet, 149 S. Calumet, Aurora, IL 60506 with your deposit by April 30th.
Need more information? Contact
Illinois/Wisconsin District Bus Trip

Relax and have fun while you are on the road to what others have referred to as “a once in a lifetime, life changing experience!”
When: Buses will leave Illinois on July 16 and return on July 23rd, exact times to be determined
Where: Bus pickups and drop offs will occur at Naperville Church of the Brethren, Peoria First Church of the Brethren and Dixon Church of the Brethren
Cost: $ 230 (this is the cost of the bus only, and does not include your NYC registration or meals along the way) $50 deposit are due by April 30. The remaining $180 balance is due by June 1. All payments are non-refundable after June 1.
Reservations: E-mail with basic information (name, address, e-mail, church, and advisor) as soon as possible. Complete the registration forms and return to IL/WI District Youth Cabinet, 149 S. Calumet, Aurora, IL 60506 with your deposit by April 30th.
Need more information? Contact
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Camps The Forgotten Ministry
This article is from a letter to the editor of the Church of the Brethren Messenger, Dec. 2009, written by Karen Rowland of Milford, Indiana
Source: April 2010 IL/WI District Newsletter
In the 1920's several visionaries in the Church of the Brethren knew that one way to develop leadership in the church was to create a set-apart place where young people could go, recreate, worship and learn more about God's world and God's Word. Those places were the birth of our Church of the Brethren youth camps, the oldest ones being Camp Harmony, Camp LaVerne, Camp Bethel, and Camp Alexander Mack. From that point many others have sprung up across the country and the total now stands at 29 Church of the Brethren camps.We lift up our district's camps, Camp Emmaus and Camp Emmanuel, and wish them a successful season ahead.
Our church camps have been the place where life-changing growth happened to many young men and women, eventually leading them into a life of ministry ...Our camps are holy ground. They each have their own sacred place or 'thin place' where those who come feel truly close to God. The camps are sanctuaries where there is unconditional love, and no one is left behind.
In today's world the average child spends only 25 minutes a week outside, and seldom in a natural setting. We as Brethren need to work hard to make it a priority to reach these children and get them out into creation. No one can respect, appreciate, and care for a creation they don't understand, know nothing about, and are afraid of. No one can believe in and trust a God that they have not been able to learn about or experience in a truly personal way. Those things can and do happen at camp on a regular basis...
Next to our Sunday schools and sanctuaries, our camps are the best ministry tool out there to teach, to love, and to grow our children and our faith. Don't let the camps be a lost and forgotten ministry."
This article is from a letter to the editor of the Church of the Brethren Messenger, Dec. 2009, written by Karen Rowland of Milford, Indiana
Source: April 2010 IL/WI District Newsletter
Successful Youth Retreat In Springfield
“Christ in the City.” This theme, drawn from the book of Jeremiah, provided the focus as 21 youth and advisors representing six congregations met for the Illinois/Wisconsin spring district youth retreat at Springfield First Church of the Brethren March 19-21.
The centerpiece of the weekend was a visit and neighborhood tour with Springfield member Fletcher Farrar, who has been working with others to rehabilitate run-down homes in the Enos Park area of the city and provide housing for some who could not otherwise afford it. He urged youth to make their faith "an adventure" and to consider their choice of where to live as part of their ministry. After the tour and talk, youth engaged in a service project of picking up trash around the neighborhood.
A Bible study and devotions through the weekend also drew on the theme. Other highlights of the retreat included a scavenger hunt, recreation time, games, and Sunday school and worship at Springfield on Sunday morning.
The hosts at Springfield generously provided two wonderful meals during the weekend, as well as places to take showers in members' homes Saturday afternoon.
The next district youth retreat will be held with district conference, Nov. 5-7 in the Lanark-Pearl City area of the district.
Other Youth Dates To Note: Church of the Brethren National Youth Sunday (May 2)--look for resources at; Camp Emmanuel youth camp (June 6-12); youth activities at Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. (July 3-7); National Youth Conference, Fort Collins, Colo. (July 17-22); Camp Emmaus youth camp (Aug. 1-7).
Watch the district youth website for news and updates:
Source: April 2010 IL/WI District Newsletter

The centerpiece of the weekend was a visit and neighborhood tour with Springfield member Fletcher Farrar, who has been working with others to rehabilitate run-down homes in the Enos Park area of the city and provide housing for some who could not otherwise afford it. He urged youth to make their faith "an adventure" and to consider their choice of where to live as part of their ministry. After the tour and talk, youth engaged in a service project of picking up trash around the neighborhood.
A Bible study and devotions through the weekend also drew on the theme. Other highlights of the retreat included a scavenger hunt, recreation time, games, and Sunday school and worship at Springfield on Sunday morning.
The hosts at Springfield generously provided two wonderful meals during the weekend, as well as places to take showers in members' homes Saturday afternoon.
The next district youth retreat will be held with district conference, Nov. 5-7 in the Lanark-Pearl City area of the district.
Other Youth Dates To Note: Church of the Brethren National Youth Sunday (May 2)--look for resources at; Camp Emmanuel youth camp (June 6-12); youth activities at Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. (July 3-7); National Youth Conference, Fort Collins, Colo. (July 17-22); Camp Emmaus youth camp (Aug. 1-7).
Watch the district youth website for news and updates:
Source: April 2010 IL/WI District Newsletter
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Winners of NYC music and speech contests are announced.
The winners of the National Youth Conference (NYC) Music Contest and Speech Contest have been announced by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office.
Jacob Crouse from Warrensburg, Mo., is the winner of the Music Contest with his song, "More than Meets the Eye." Born in Virginia and raised in the Dominican Republic, Crouse is a full-time student at the University of Central Missouri. While pursuing a degree in music technology, he also commits himself to the local music scene and participates in various ensembles ranging from the university's Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band to performing in a few of his very own bands. He is very involved at Warrensburg (Mo.) Church of the Brethren where, in addition to providing music for church services, he participates as a youth, is a part of the leadership team, and finds several opportunities to provide community service on behalf of the church.
There are three winners of the Speech Contest. The duo Renee Neher and Arbie Karasek from Lombard, Ill., will give a speech together. Both are members of the youth group at York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard and attend Willowbrook High School. Neher is a 16 year old, and in the fall will be a junior at Willowbrook High. Karasek is 14 years old and also is active in the Youth Cabinet of Illinois and Wisconsin District.
The other speech will come from Kelsey Boardman of Modesto, Calif. She is a fourth generation member of the Church in the Brethren in Modesto, and during the 300th Anniversary of the Church of the Brethren was part of the Youth Heritage Travel Team for Pacific Southwest District. She plans to graduate from Fred C. Beyer High School this year, and will study biology at California State University, Stanislaus, in the fall.
"Winning this speech contest was very important to Kelsey because of the recent death of her great grandmother," reports Audrey Hollenberg, one of the two NYC coordinators. "Her great grandmother was a strong advocate for female preachers in the Church of the Brethren. Kelsey considers it a great tribute to her great grandmother to be a speaker at National Youth Conference."
Source: 2/25/2010 Newsline
The winners of the National Youth Conference (NYC) Music Contest and Speech Contest have been announced by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office.
Jacob Crouse from Warrensburg, Mo., is the winner of the Music Contest with his song, "More than Meets the Eye." Born in Virginia and raised in the Dominican Republic, Crouse is a full-time student at the University of Central Missouri. While pursuing a degree in music technology, he also commits himself to the local music scene and participates in various ensembles ranging from the university's Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band to performing in a few of his very own bands. He is very involved at Warrensburg (Mo.) Church of the Brethren where, in addition to providing music for church services, he participates as a youth, is a part of the leadership team, and finds several opportunities to provide community service on behalf of the church.
There are three winners of the Speech Contest. The duo Renee Neher and Arbie Karasek from Lombard, Ill., will give a speech together. Both are members of the youth group at York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard and attend Willowbrook High School. Neher is a 16 year old, and in the fall will be a junior at Willowbrook High. Karasek is 14 years old and also is active in the Youth Cabinet of Illinois and Wisconsin District.
The other speech will come from Kelsey Boardman of Modesto, Calif. She is a fourth generation member of the Church in the Brethren in Modesto, and during the 300th Anniversary of the Church of the Brethren was part of the Youth Heritage Travel Team for Pacific Southwest District. She plans to graduate from Fred C. Beyer High School this year, and will study biology at California State University, Stanislaus, in the fall.
"Winning this speech contest was very important to Kelsey because of the recent death of her great grandmother," reports Audrey Hollenberg, one of the two NYC coordinators. "Her great grandmother was a strong advocate for female preachers in the Church of the Brethren. Kelsey considers it a great tribute to her great grandmother to be a speaker at National Youth Conference."
Source: 2/25/2010 Newsline
‘Early Bird’ registration fee for National Youth Conference (NYC) ends after March 1.
The ‘early bird’ registration fee of $425 for National Youth Conference (NYC) has been extended to March 1. The fee will increase to $450 after that date. This Church of the Brethren conference for senior high youth and adult advisors will be held in Fort Collins, Colo., on July 17-22. Register by logging in to and then going to Questions should be directed to the Youth and Young Adult Office at or 800-323-8039 ext. 246.
Source: 2/25/2010 Newsline
The ‘early bird’ registration fee of $425 for National Youth Conference (NYC) has been extended to March 1. The fee will increase to $450 after that date. This Church of the Brethren conference for senior high youth and adult advisors will be held in Fort Collins, Colo., on July 17-22. Register by logging in to and then going to Questions should be directed to the Youth and Young Adult Office at or 800-323-8039 ext. 246.
Source: 2/25/2010 Newsline
Thursday, February 11, 2010
2010 Youth Peace Travel Team
The members of the 2010 Youth Peace Travel Team have been announced: Marcus Harden of First Church of the Brethren in Miami, Fla.; Timothy Sollenberger Heishman, who grew up in Iglesia des los Hermanos (Church of the Brethren in the Dominican Republic); Cambria Teter of La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren; and Hannah Wysong of Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren in Fort Wayne, Ind. As they spend time with junior and senior high youth this summer at camps across the Church of the Brethren, the team will teach about peace, justice, and reconciliation, all core values throughout the church's 300-year history. The Youth Peace Travel Team is sponsored by the Church of the Brethren's Outdoor Ministries Association, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Brethren Volunteer Service, Global Mission Partnerships, and On Earth Peace.
Source: 2/11/2010 Newsline
The members of the 2010 Youth Peace Travel Team have been announced: Marcus Harden of First Church of the Brethren in Miami, Fla.; Timothy Sollenberger Heishman, who grew up in Iglesia des los Hermanos (Church of the Brethren in the Dominican Republic); Cambria Teter of La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren; and Hannah Wysong of Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren in Fort Wayne, Ind. As they spend time with junior and senior high youth this summer at camps across the Church of the Brethren, the team will teach about peace, justice, and reconciliation, all core values throughout the church's 300-year history. The Youth Peace Travel Team is sponsored by the Church of the Brethren's Outdoor Ministries Association, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Brethren Volunteer Service, Global Mission Partnerships, and On Earth Peace.
Source: 2/11/2010 Newsline
Monday, February 01, 2010
Pneuma Challenge
By Emily LaPrade, National Youth Conference Coordinator
NYC will be here before you know it and you’ll have lots of choices to make. Which workshops do I go to? Which late evening activities will I attend? Do we sit on the floor in worship or the bleachers? (definitely the floor!) You also have several choices to make when you register: will I go hiking? Will I help with a service project? Should I sing in the choir? One question you might not have heard is “Will I participate in the Pneuma Challenge?” New to NYC this year, the Pneuma Challenge is happening Sunday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm (during recreation time).
By following clues around the CSU campus and completing challenges, you and your friends will have the opportunity to learn more about “Pneuma.” In Ancient Greek, it means breath, wind, Spirit of God. You’ll be challenged to touch, feel, and maybe even taste the Spirit. You’ll think about God in new and different ways and experience these challenges together with your teammates. You’ll have a lot of fun going from place to place and of course, showing off your Pneuma Challenge t-shirt. Are you ready to be challenged?
More information about the Pneuma Challenge and how to register will be in your registration packets which you receive after you pay your deposit.
By Emily LaPrade, National Youth Conference Coordinator
NYC will be here before you know it and you’ll have lots of choices to make. Which workshops do I go to? Which late evening activities will I attend? Do we sit on the floor in worship or the bleachers? (definitely the floor!) You also have several choices to make when you register: will I go hiking? Will I help with a service project? Should I sing in the choir? One question you might not have heard is “Will I participate in the Pneuma Challenge?” New to NYC this year, the Pneuma Challenge is happening Sunday afternoon from 3pm to 5pm (during recreation time).
By following clues around the CSU campus and completing challenges, you and your friends will have the opportunity to learn more about “Pneuma.” In Ancient Greek, it means breath, wind, Spirit of God. You’ll be challenged to touch, feel, and maybe even taste the Spirit. You’ll think about God in new and different ways and experience these challenges together with your teammates. You’ll have a lot of fun going from place to place and of course, showing off your Pneuma Challenge t-shirt. Are you ready to be challenged?
More information about the Pneuma Challenge and how to register will be in your registration packets which you receive after you pay your deposit.
NYC Late Evening Activities
For all of you that like to stay up late, there will be plenty of activities to fill the evening hours! Reilly Band will provide Late Evening Entertainment on Tuesday Night at NYC. Also appearing throughout the week will be Mutual Kumquat, Ted and Company, Ken Medema, and more.
There will also be an Open Mic Night for those of you that wish to share your talents. More information about that will be shared at NYC. Make sure you bring what you need with you for your talent.
There will also be an Open Mic Night for those of you that wish to share your talents. More information about that will be shared at NYC. Make sure you bring what you need with you for your talent.
Friday, January 29, 2010
NYC 2010 Speaker Feature: Dennis Webb
Rev. Webb was born in Ocho Rios, on the island paradise of Jamaica. While in teacher training college, he received a call to the Christian ministry. Upon completion of his teacher training, he taught high school for two years, after which he applied and was accepted by for Theological/Pastoral training at the United Theological College of the West Indies. After completing his seminary training in 1989, he began his pastoral ministry and was ordained to the ministry of the Jamaica Baptist Union in 1991. Rev. Webb spent 10 years as pastor of several ‘circuits of Baptist churches’ in Jamaica before migrating to the United States. He was called to be the pastor of the Naperville Church of the Brethren in November 2002.
NYC 2010 Speaker Feature: Ted and Company
In 1992 Ted Swartz graduated from seminary and began a ministry that took him, not to a pulpit in a congregation, but to audiences across the U.S. and beyond. The first 20 years of this work included the creation of Ted & Lee TheaterWorks with Lee Eshleman and development of plays such as Armadillo Shorts, Fish-Eyes, Creation Chronicles, Live at Jacob's Ladder and DoveTale. Since Lee's death in May, 2007, Ted has been writing and performing new plays with a number of other artists. Ted lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Along with writing and acting, his loves include his wife, Sue, three sons, Eliot, Ian and Derek - and new daughter-in-laws, Katrina and Hannah; oh, and baseball.
NYC 2010 Speaker Feature: Dave Sollenberger
David Sollenberger is a videographer who has helped document or interpret about every slice of Brethren life and practice, including NYC since 1986, and Annual Conference since 1989. His filming has taken him to far-flung places like Sudan, Brazil, Dominican Republic and Nigeria and nearly every district of the U.S. He has degrees from Manchester College and Bethany Seminary and served 5 years on the Church of the Brethren General Board. He and his wife Mary are members at the Mt. Wilson (PA) congregation, but spend most of their time now in North Manchester, IN, trying to keep track of 3 basically grown children. He has also produced several documentaries and assorted discipleship and membership curriculum resources.
NYC 2010 Speaker Feature: Jarrod McKenna
Jarrod McKenna is seeking to live God’s love as a new dad, husband, brother, and an [eco]evangelist. As a Vine and Fig Tree Planter, he plants “signs” on military bases that draw the connections between God’s kingdom, militarism, and climate change. He is a co-founder of the Peace Tree Community, serving with the marginalized in one of the poorest areas in his city, heads up Together for Humanity in Western Australia (an interfaith youth initiative serving together for the common good), and is the founder and creative director of Empowering Peacemakers (EPYC), for which he has received an Australian peace award for his work in empowering a generation of [eco]evangelists and peace prophets.

NYC 2010 Speaker Feature: Angie Lahman Yoder
Angie Lahman Yoder is passionate about lifelong learning opportunities. Many of her current interests were developed through Church of the Brethren-related experiences: National Youth Cabinet, On Earth Peace/ Ministry of Reconciliation committee work, Manchester College graduate, NYC Youthworker, General Board Member. A former high school teacher, she is currently a full-time mother who works part-time teaching others about Young Living Essential Oils and whole life wellness in person and on the internet. Angie is also a licensed minister and serves as Minister of Worship at Circle of Peace Church of the Brethren in Peoria, Arizona.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Workcamp Registration Opens
Registration for the Church of the Brethren’s 2010 workcamps opened online on Jan. 25. Go to for registration and information about the workcamp experiences offered this summer.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
Registration for the Church of the Brethren’s 2010 workcamps opened online on Jan. 25. Go to for registration and information about the workcamp experiences offered this summer.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
NYC Prayer Day
A church-wide "NYC Prayer Day" has been scheduled for June 20--the Sunday one month before National Youth Conference. "We are going to have some commissioning materials and prayers for congregations to use to ‘send’ the participants to NYC," reported coordinators Audrey Hollenberg and Emily LaPrade. Materials will be made available at, where participants also may register for NYC online.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
A church-wide "NYC Prayer Day" has been scheduled for June 20--the Sunday one month before National Youth Conference. "We are going to have some commissioning materials and prayers for congregations to use to ‘send’ the participants to NYC," reported coordinators Audrey Hollenberg and Emily LaPrade. Materials will be made available at, where participants also may register for NYC online.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
McPherson College Regional Youth Conference
The Church of the Brethren’s Regional Youth Conference for the plains area will be held at McPherson (Kan.) College on April 9-11 with leadership by Paul Grout, new church planter and a former Annual Conference moderator. The theme is based on John 10:10, "Fully Alive: Taking Hold of the Life that Is Really Life in Body, Mind and Spirit." Activities will include sessions studying the theme, a campus tour of McPherson College, an evening coffeehouse with table games and a jazz pianist, and Sunday morning worship with McPherson Church of the Brethren.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
The Church of the Brethren’s Regional Youth Conference for the plains area will be held at McPherson (Kan.) College on April 9-11 with leadership by Paul Grout, new church planter and a former Annual Conference moderator. The theme is based on John 10:10, "Fully Alive: Taking Hold of the Life that Is Really Life in Body, Mind and Spirit." Activities will include sessions studying the theme, a campus tour of McPherson College, an evening coffeehouse with table games and a jazz pianist, and Sunday morning worship with McPherson Church of the Brethren.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
Bridgewater College Senior High Roundtable
The Senior High Roundtable, one of the Church of the Brethren’s regional youth conferences, will be held March 19-21 at Bridgewater (Va.) College. Senior high youth from the entire east coast region are expected to attend. The weekend will include worship, workshops, and fellowship. The theme, "Come to the Mountain," will be led by Joel and Linetta Ballew, pastor of Lebanon (Pa.) Church of the Brethren and program director at Camp Brethren Woods, respectively.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
The Senior High Roundtable, one of the Church of the Brethren’s regional youth conferences, will be held March 19-21 at Bridgewater (Va.) College. Senior high youth from the entire east coast region are expected to attend. The weekend will include worship, workshops, and fellowship. The theme, "Come to the Mountain," will be led by Joel and Linetta Ballew, pastor of Lebanon (Pa.) Church of the Brethren and program director at Camp Brethren Woods, respectively.
Source: 1/28/2010 Newsline
Friday, January 01, 2010
National Youth Conference Registration 101
Here is what you need to know before registration:
If you have any questions feel free to call us at 847-742-5100 ext. 246.
Here is what you need to know before registration:
- The NYC registration page ( has a preview of the registration page. Take a look at the link before registration so you know what fields are required and what options are available.
- Registration opens January 5, 2010 at 8:00 pm Central Time.
- Registration cost opens at $425.
- Registration cost increases to $450 after February 15.
- Registration closes April 5.
Tips for a smooth registration experience: - Before anyone can register, each person has to create a personal login
through the website. You will need this log-in to sign in to the website to register. - You will need to know your church code. Go to and search for your congregation’s code.
If you have any questions feel free to call us at 847-742-5100 ext. 246.
Workcamp Registration Opens January 25th
Online registration opens Jan. 25 at 7 p.m. (central time) for this summer’s Church of the Brethren workcamps. Go to to register. A workcamp schedule including locations and dates is available at The dozen workcamps range from a young adult trip to Haiti on June 1-8, to a "We Are Able" workcamp for intellectually disabled youth and young adults, to seven junior high workcamps at various locations in the US, to Brethren Revival Fellowship-sponsored events for senior highs in the DR and Mexico. To register, first create a personal log-in at the Church of the Brethren website being sure to have a congregational code available (find it at Registrations are reserved when the Workcamp Office receives the deposit of $100. For questions, contact the Workcamp Office at or 800-323-8039 ext. 286.
Source: 12/30/2009 Newsline
Source: 12/30/2009 Newsline
District youth retreat
by Walt Wiltschek
The fall district youth retreat, held during district conference (Nov. 6-8), was a fantastic weekend, with 28 youth and advisors representing eight congregations. David Radcliff of New Community Project led two sessions on the theme of "Simple Justice," helping the group consider how they interact with their neighbors and the “least of these” around the world. In addition, National Youth Conference coordinators Audrey Hollenberg and Emily LaPrade were on hand to lead two worship times. Saturday afternoon included a service project at Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. The evening was spent joining district conference for the international dinner and concert. Sunday morning everyone took part in one of the insight sessions and the closing worship. We’re grateful to the Naperville church for their generosity in hosting us for the weekend.
The SPRING district youth retreat has been set for March 19-21 at Springfield Church of the Brethren. As with the fall retreat, cost will be $30 for youth in grades 9-12, free for advisors who accompany their youth. Registration forms will be available at Watch for further details!
Source: 1/2010 IL/WI District Newsletter
by Walt Wiltschek
The fall district youth retreat, held during district conference (Nov. 6-8), was a fantastic weekend, with 28 youth and advisors representing eight congregations. David Radcliff of New Community Project led two sessions on the theme of "Simple Justice," helping the group consider how they interact with their neighbors and the “least of these” around the world. In addition, National Youth Conference coordinators Audrey Hollenberg and Emily LaPrade were on hand to lead two worship times. Saturday afternoon included a service project at Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. The evening was spent joining district conference for the international dinner and concert. Sunday morning everyone took part in one of the insight sessions and the closing worship. We’re grateful to the Naperville church for their generosity in hosting us for the weekend.
The SPRING district youth retreat has been set for March 19-21 at Springfield Church of the Brethren. As with the fall retreat, cost will be $30 for youth in grades 9-12, free for advisors who accompany their youth. Registration forms will be available at Watch for further details!
Source: 1/2010 IL/WI District Newsletter
NYC 2010 Speaker Feature: Jim Myer
Jim Myer is a minister in the White Oak Church of the Brethren, Atlantic Northeast District. His wife, Faye and he have 4 married children and l6 grandchildren. Jim served as Annual Conference Moderator in l985. He has also preached in over 300 revival meetings throughout the Church of the Brethren and has spoken in several foreign countries.
Jim has served on several study committees for Annual Conference, most recently on the Special Response Resource Committee. Jim is a part time farmer and he works part time for the Brethren Revival Fellowship. Jim has spoken a number of times at National Youth Conference in the past.

Jim has served on several study committees for Annual Conference, most recently on the Special Response Resource Committee. Jim is a part time farmer and he works part time for the Brethren Revival Fellowship. Jim has spoken a number of times at National Youth Conference in the past.
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