Thursday, January 12, 2006

National Youth Cabinet issues ‘NYC Tithe Challenge’
Special offering to support the Global Food Crisis Fund

At its fall meeting, the National Youth Cabinet decided to plan several events at NYC that focus on global hunger. Millions of children, youth, and adults around the world are suffering, and we are called - as people of God - to work to end their suffering. We believe that the youth of the church can take the lead in responding to hunger, and we can begin with NYC.

In an effort to kick-start our efforts to alleviate hunger before NYC, the National Youth Cabinet is issuing a challenge to all youth groups attending NYC 2006 to tithe their fundraising efforts toward the Church of the Brethren Global Food Crisis Fund offering. We will have a special collection for the tithe money during the offering time designated for the Global Food Crisis Fund. If you do not wish to carry this money to NYC, we will also accept donations in the NYC Office that are marked specifically for the NYC Tithe Challenge.

Tithing is a spiritual practice that is a part of how we can live out our faith and demonstrate our devotion to God over possessions. The average cost for a NYC participant, including travel is around $800. If a youth group of 10 people was willing to tithe 10% of that cost, then they could give $800! If every participant tithed just their registration fee, then we could contribute $160,000 toward hunger relief!

We understand that it is hard work raising money to even attend NYC and that the thought of raising 10% more to contribute to this fund is asking a lot. But the National Youth Cabinet also wants to challenge the youth of this denomination to not only work toward serving ourselves, but to be intentional about serving others.

It is the hope of the Cabinet that you will take seriously the challenge to tithe as a spiritual practice and as a way of making a difference in the life of someone less fortunate.

If you choose to take on this challenge, please contact our office so that we may recognize your efforts on our website, as well as hold you in prayer as you continue to work toward your goal!

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