Messenger Essay Winners
Youth ages 13-18 were asked to write a short essay on the question, “What do you like most about the Church of the Brethren?” A steady stream of entries came into the MESSENGER offices, each sharing good insights and images about the church. A panel of four judges read each of the essays and ranked them, resulting in the winners. Read the contest entries.
News items pertaining to youth and young adults in the Church of the Brethren.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
National Youth Conference
Plans for National Youth Conference 2006, to be held July 22-27, 2006, on
the campus of Colorado State University are taking shape! For more information,
Plans for National Youth Conference 2006, to be held July 22-27, 2006, on
the campus of Colorado State University are taking shape! For more information,
Seeking Peace Conference, September 8-11, 2005
The Seeking Peace Conference, September 8-11, in Indianapolis, Ind., will be a multi-faceted and intergenerational gathering providing opportunities to build mentoring relationships and explore practical and intellectual approaches to peace and peacemaking for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Church USA, The Society of Friends and all people who embrace and work for peace. Sponsored in part by the Church of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and On Earth Peace, the conference will feature practical workshops and seminars, a large book table and resource center, applications for all careers, youth participation and fellowship through biblical, dynamic worship. For more information, contact the Brethren Witness/Washington Office at 1-800-785-3246 or visit
Click here to view the flyer
The Seeking Peace Conference, September 8-11, in Indianapolis, Ind., will be a multi-faceted and intergenerational gathering providing opportunities to build mentoring relationships and explore practical and intellectual approaches to peace and peacemaking for members and friends of the Church of the Brethren, Mennonite Church USA, The Society of Friends and all people who embrace and work for peace. Sponsored in part by the Church of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and On Earth Peace, the conference will feature practical workshops and seminars, a large book table and resource center, applications for all careers, youth participation and fellowship through biblical, dynamic worship. For more information, contact the Brethren Witness/Washington Office at 1-800-785-3246 or visit
Click here to view the flyer
Anti-War Movement March on Washington, Brethren Encouraged to Participate on Saturday, September 24, 2005
Church of the Brethren members, peacemakers and social activists are encouraged to participate in the March on Washington, three massive days of action against the war in Iraq, featuring a major march, rally and festival on Saturday, September 24 in Washington D.C. Brethren supporters of this event are encouraged to gather at the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, 337 North Carolina Ave. SE, at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The group will march together to join the larger rally at the Washington Monument. Watch for the Church of the Brethren display table on the mall.
Other scheduled events, sponsored by United for Peace and Justice, include an interfaith religious service and day of grassroots trainings on Sunday, Sept. 25, and a large-scale grassroots lobbying day and mass nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience on Monday, Sept. 26. For more information regarding this national event, call the Brethren Witness/Washington Office at 1-800-785-3246 or visit or If you would like assistance in scheduling lobby visits on Monday, September 26 please let us know.
Click here to view the flyer
Church of the Brethren members, peacemakers and social activists are encouraged to participate in the March on Washington, three massive days of action against the war in Iraq, featuring a major march, rally and festival on Saturday, September 24 in Washington D.C. Brethren supporters of this event are encouraged to gather at the Brethren Witness/Washington Office, 337 North Carolina Ave. SE, at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The group will march together to join the larger rally at the Washington Monument. Watch for the Church of the Brethren display table on the mall.
Other scheduled events, sponsored by United for Peace and Justice, include an interfaith religious service and day of grassroots trainings on Sunday, Sept. 25, and a large-scale grassroots lobbying day and mass nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience on Monday, Sept. 26. For more information regarding this national event, call the Brethren Witness/Washington Office at 1-800-785-3246 or visit or If you would like assistance in scheduling lobby visits on Monday, September 26 please let us know.
Click here to view the flyer
International Day of Peace (IDP) Shares Vision of Global Cease Fire on September 21, 2005
The Brethren Witness/Washington Office invites Brethren to join people from around the world in observing the International Day of Peace (IDP) on Wednesday, September 21. The shared vision for this one day is a global cease-fire, as well as lifting up the principles of non-violence.
Amidst this time of increasing violence, this day will offer an opportunity for collective wills to aspire for a time of peace and solidarity. The International Day of Peace will serve as an excellent opportunity for the Church of the Brethren to celebrate our history of non-violence and, at the same time, to acknowledge our dire need to recommit to those values.
Established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, the intention was to set aside a specific time for the UN and its member states to promote the ideals of peace. A resolution added to the declaration in 2001 extended the language to include a universal cease-fire. “We understand that this is only a symbolic day, but one that can and should raise the consciousness of peacemakers in all places. The challenge is to transform this symbolic day into reality,” comments Phil Jones, director of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office.
Such organizations as International Day of Peace Vigil Team are encouraging individuals, as well as religious and interfaith leaders and communities, to hold spiritual observations in support of this global peace day. The goal of the IDP Vigil Team is to have all 191 UN member states participate. If Brethren congregations or individuals would like to commit to a peace vigil they can record their information with IDP Peace Vigil at Additionally, contact the BW/WO if we can offer peace-related resources or assist in vigil promotion.
The Brethren Witness/Washington Office invites Brethren to join people from around the world in observing the International Day of Peace (IDP) on Wednesday, September 21. The shared vision for this one day is a global cease-fire, as well as lifting up the principles of non-violence.
Amidst this time of increasing violence, this day will offer an opportunity for collective wills to aspire for a time of peace and solidarity. The International Day of Peace will serve as an excellent opportunity for the Church of the Brethren to celebrate our history of non-violence and, at the same time, to acknowledge our dire need to recommit to those values.
Established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, the intention was to set aside a specific time for the UN and its member states to promote the ideals of peace. A resolution added to the declaration in 2001 extended the language to include a universal cease-fire. “We understand that this is only a symbolic day, but one that can and should raise the consciousness of peacemakers in all places. The challenge is to transform this symbolic day into reality,” comments Phil Jones, director of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office.
Such organizations as International Day of Peace Vigil Team are encouraging individuals, as well as religious and interfaith leaders and communities, to hold spiritual observations in support of this global peace day. The goal of the IDP Vigil Team is to have all 191 UN member states participate. If Brethren congregations or individuals would like to commit to a peace vigil they can record their information with IDP Peace Vigil at Additionally, contact the BW/WO if we can offer peace-related resources or assist in vigil promotion.
Church of the Brethren Agencies Encourage Brethren Young Adults to Participate in Peace Conference Oct. 8-10, 2005
“Shift Your Space Transform the World: Young Adults Connecting Ecumenically for Peace and Justice,” October 8-10, 2005 in Chicago, IL, is an event for young adult leaders in peace and justice work that will provide opportunities to draw on the strength of the unity of the church by building ecumenical connections. Seminarians, students and youth delegates to the WCC’s 9th Assembly will find links between their peace and justice work and the World Council of Churches, and engage with the vision for peace promoted by the initiative, Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation & Peace 2001-2010 (DOV).
The gathering will be Saturday, October 8 at noon through Monday, October 10 at noon in Hyde Park, Chicago, IL. Hyde Park is home to the University of Chicago Divinity School, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, McCormick Theological Seminary and others. “Seminarians are at the forefront of innovative peace and justice work,” says Jenny Phillips, US Decade to Overcome Violence Program Assistant and coordinator of this event. “We look forward to the wisdom and insight Chicago seminarians can share.”
Activities will include participation in local peace and justice projects, including an action with the Chicago chapter of the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. There will be time for sharing resources, and space for theological reflection with peace and justice leaders in the WCC and member communions. In addition, attendees will participate in a visioning process with members of the US Decade to Overcome Violence Committee to determine how the committee can best support young adults in ecumenical peace and justice work.
The Church of the Brethren is represented on the US Decade Committee by Phil Jones of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and Matt Guynn of On Earth Peace. "It is our hope that Brethren young adults will be able to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to explore peace and justice in this ecumenical, academic, and interactive setting", Jones states. Scholarships are available for Brethren who might need assistance in order to attend.
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will overlap with the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event, which will be held October 10-12, 2005 at the O’Hare Crown Plaza Hotel in Chicago, IL. The morning of Monday, October 10 will be used to prepare a young adult presentation for the Annual Meeting plenary to be held that evening. Young adults are invited to stay and participate in the Annual Meeting for as long or as little as they like. “The 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches has been deemed “the youth assembly” by General Secretary, Dr. Sam Kobia,” says Rev. Deborah DeWinter, Program Executive for the United States. “We are excited for the wisdom and passion US young adults will bring to the US Annual Meeting and 9th Assembly Pre-Event.” Registration information is available at
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will cost $75 for the event, food and hostel-style lodging at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Youth Center. For those who live in the area or prefer to secure other lodging, the event will cost $35, including lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.
Those adults attending the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event can register for “Shift Your Space Transform the World” on the Annual Meeting registration form, available at
The registration deadline is Friday, September 16, 2005. If you have questions, or would like to receive information about future US DOV young adult events, email Jenny Phillips, US DOV Program Assistant at
Click here to view flyer
“Shift Your Space Transform the World: Young Adults Connecting Ecumenically for Peace and Justice,” October 8-10, 2005 in Chicago, IL, is an event for young adult leaders in peace and justice work that will provide opportunities to draw on the strength of the unity of the church by building ecumenical connections. Seminarians, students and youth delegates to the WCC’s 9th Assembly will find links between their peace and justice work and the World Council of Churches, and engage with the vision for peace promoted by the initiative, Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation & Peace 2001-2010 (DOV).
The gathering will be Saturday, October 8 at noon through Monday, October 10 at noon in Hyde Park, Chicago, IL. Hyde Park is home to the University of Chicago Divinity School, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, McCormick Theological Seminary and others. “Seminarians are at the forefront of innovative peace and justice work,” says Jenny Phillips, US Decade to Overcome Violence Program Assistant and coordinator of this event. “We look forward to the wisdom and insight Chicago seminarians can share.”
Activities will include participation in local peace and justice projects, including an action with the Chicago chapter of the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. There will be time for sharing resources, and space for theological reflection with peace and justice leaders in the WCC and member communions. In addition, attendees will participate in a visioning process with members of the US Decade to Overcome Violence Committee to determine how the committee can best support young adults in ecumenical peace and justice work.
The Church of the Brethren is represented on the US Decade Committee by Phil Jones of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and Matt Guynn of On Earth Peace. "It is our hope that Brethren young adults will be able to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to explore peace and justice in this ecumenical, academic, and interactive setting", Jones states. Scholarships are available for Brethren who might need assistance in order to attend.
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will overlap with the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event, which will be held October 10-12, 2005 at the O’Hare Crown Plaza Hotel in Chicago, IL. The morning of Monday, October 10 will be used to prepare a young adult presentation for the Annual Meeting plenary to be held that evening. Young adults are invited to stay and participate in the Annual Meeting for as long or as little as they like. “The 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches has been deemed “the youth assembly” by General Secretary, Dr. Sam Kobia,” says Rev. Deborah DeWinter, Program Executive for the United States. “We are excited for the wisdom and passion US young adults will bring to the US Annual Meeting and 9th Assembly Pre-Event.” Registration information is available at
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will cost $75 for the event, food and hostel-style lodging at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Youth Center. For those who live in the area or prefer to secure other lodging, the event will cost $35, including lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.
Those adults attending the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event can register for “Shift Your Space Transform the World” on the Annual Meeting registration form, available at
The registration deadline is Friday, September 16, 2005. If you have questions, or would like to receive information about future US DOV young adult events, email Jenny Phillips, US DOV Program Assistant at
Click here to view flyer
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
New shoes, a stop at the denominational offices for the Walk Across America.
On Aug. 11 a New Balance shoe store in Geneva, Ill., witnessed a unique event in Don Vermilyea's Walk Across America: the chance to buy a new pair of shoes in person, and to try them on with the help of a sales clerk.
Vermilyea is a Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) worker on a Walk Across America, a quest to visit on foot every Church of the Brethren congregation in the US that extends an invitation. Along the way, Vermilyea shares his message "that it is time to get serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ." He has walked for more than three and a half years, and more than 15,700 miles, beginning in Tucson, Ariz.
BVS staff usually buy his shoes from congregational and individual gifts, and mail them to his next destination, said Vermilyea--who walks everywhere he goes and does not accept rides except in unusual circumstances. The shoes he exchanged for a new pair carried him from southern Louisiana to Arkansas, then from Missouri to Faith Church of the Brethren in Batavia, Ill. They had "only" 1,312 miles on them, Vermilyea said, regretting that he was not able to put on one pair the full mileage of the Illinois and Wisconsin District. However, this pair had become unwalkable because of uneven wear on the heels. Walking up to 34 miles a day, Vermilyea cannot take the chance of injury to his ankles.
After the shoe store, Vermilyea's next stop was the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., where he presented a slide show and held a question and answer session on Aug. 13. Vermilyea called on his audience to "wake up" to changes needed in American society, showing pictures he has taken along his walk of environmental destruction, pollution, development, and even road kill--and signs people have displayed expressing hatred and support for the war in Iraq. "I'm walking across America because we... Christians need to do things differently," he told the group of denominational staff who gathered to hear him.
On Sunday Aug. 14, he preached and held a "talk on" at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin. Previous stops in the district included many of the congregations in Illinois, the church in Wisconsin, and two weeks with the junior and senior high youth camps at Camp Emmaus in Mount Morris, Ill. Vermilyea was invited to join the junior highs for their annual seven-mile hike to White Pines State Park by camp counselor Jim Miner. While the rest of the group accepted a hayride back to camp, five youth opted to walk back with Vermilyea. Miner said that at the close of the senior high camp, more than 90 people walked a stretch of road with Vermilyea, the largest group to walk with him since the start of his trek in February 2002.
From Elgin, Vermilyea headed east through Chicago-land, making stops at Church of the Brethren congregations and a large downtown Presbyterian church. On Aug. 16 he visited York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, and today Aug. 17 he will be at Douglas Park Church of the Brethren in Chicago. On Aug. 21 he plans to speak at Fourth Presbyterian Church, and on Aug. 24 at First Church of the Brethren in Chicago.
From there, Vermilyea plans to walk through southern Illinois and eventually to Florida, where he hopes to spend the winter. Plans for 2006 and following years include walking north through the east-coast states, and then heading west again to visit the mid-western Brethren. Vermilyea estimates that he will complete the walk in 2011 or 2012.
For more information and a photo gallery see
Source: 8/17/2005 Newsline
On Aug. 11 a New Balance shoe store in Geneva, Ill., witnessed a unique event in Don Vermilyea's Walk Across America: the chance to buy a new pair of shoes in person, and to try them on with the help of a sales clerk.
Vermilyea is a Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) worker on a Walk Across America, a quest to visit on foot every Church of the Brethren congregation in the US that extends an invitation. Along the way, Vermilyea shares his message "that it is time to get serious about our relationship with Jesus Christ." He has walked for more than three and a half years, and more than 15,700 miles, beginning in Tucson, Ariz.
BVS staff usually buy his shoes from congregational and individual gifts, and mail them to his next destination, said Vermilyea--who walks everywhere he goes and does not accept rides except in unusual circumstances. The shoes he exchanged for a new pair carried him from southern Louisiana to Arkansas, then from Missouri to Faith Church of the Brethren in Batavia, Ill. They had "only" 1,312 miles on them, Vermilyea said, regretting that he was not able to put on one pair the full mileage of the Illinois and Wisconsin District. However, this pair had become unwalkable because of uneven wear on the heels. Walking up to 34 miles a day, Vermilyea cannot take the chance of injury to his ankles.
After the shoe store, Vermilyea's next stop was the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., where he presented a slide show and held a question and answer session on Aug. 13. Vermilyea called on his audience to "wake up" to changes needed in American society, showing pictures he has taken along his walk of environmental destruction, pollution, development, and even road kill--and signs people have displayed expressing hatred and support for the war in Iraq. "I'm walking across America because we... Christians need to do things differently," he told the group of denominational staff who gathered to hear him.
On Sunday Aug. 14, he preached and held a "talk on" at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin. Previous stops in the district included many of the congregations in Illinois, the church in Wisconsin, and two weeks with the junior and senior high youth camps at Camp Emmaus in Mount Morris, Ill. Vermilyea was invited to join the junior highs for their annual seven-mile hike to White Pines State Park by camp counselor Jim Miner. While the rest of the group accepted a hayride back to camp, five youth opted to walk back with Vermilyea. Miner said that at the close of the senior high camp, more than 90 people walked a stretch of road with Vermilyea, the largest group to walk with him since the start of his trek in February 2002.
From Elgin, Vermilyea headed east through Chicago-land, making stops at Church of the Brethren congregations and a large downtown Presbyterian church. On Aug. 16 he visited York Center Church of the Brethren in Lombard, and today Aug. 17 he will be at Douglas Park Church of the Brethren in Chicago. On Aug. 21 he plans to speak at Fourth Presbyterian Church, and on Aug. 24 at First Church of the Brethren in Chicago.
From there, Vermilyea plans to walk through southern Illinois and eventually to Florida, where he hopes to spend the winter. Plans for 2006 and following years include walking north through the east-coast states, and then heading west again to visit the mid-western Brethren. Vermilyea estimates that he will complete the walk in 2011 or 2012.
For more information and a photo gallery see
Source: 8/17/2005 Newsline
Friday, August 05, 2005
Church of the Brethren Agencies Encourage Brethren Young Adults to Participate in Peace Conference, Oct. 8-10, 2005
“Shift Your Space Transform the World: Young Adults Connecting Ecumenically for Peace and Justice,” October 8-10, 2005 in Chicago, IL, is an event for young adult leaders in peace and justice work that will provide opportunities to draw on the strength of the unity of the church by building ecumenical connections. Seminarians, students and youth delegates to the WCC’s 9th Assembly will find links between their peace and justice work and the World Council of Churches, and engage with the vision for peace promoted by the initiative, Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation & Peace 2001-2010 (DOV).
The gathering will be Saturday, October 8 at noon through Monday, October 10 at noon in Hyde Park, Chicago, IL. Hyde Park is home to the University of Chicago Divinity School, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, McCormick Theological Seminary and others. “Seminarians are at the forefront of innovative peace and justice work,” says Jenny Phillips, US Decade to Overcome Violence Program Assistant and coordinator of this event. “We look forward to the wisdom and insight Chicago seminarians can share.”
Activities will include participation in local peace and justice projects, including an action with the Chicago chapter of the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. There will be time for sharing resources, and space for theological reflection with peace and justice leaders in the WCC and member communions. In addition, attendees will participate in a visioning process with members of the US Decade to Overcome Violence Committee to determine how the committee can best support young adults in ecumenical peace and justice work.
The Church of the Brethren is represented on the US Decade Committee by Phil Jones of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and Matt Guynn of On Earth Peace. "It is our hope that Brethren young adults will be able to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to explore peace and justice in this eccumenical, academic, and interactive setting", Jones states. Scholarships are available for Brethren who might need assistance in order to attend.
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will overlap with the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event, which will be held October 10-12, 2005 at the O’Hare Crown Plaza Hotel in Chicago, IL. The morning of Monday, October 10 will be used to prepare a young adult presentation for the Annual Meeting plenary to be held that evening. Young adults are invited to stay and participate in the Annual Meeting for as long or as little as they like. “The 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches has been deemed “the youth assembly” by General Secretary, Dr. Sam Kobia,” says Rev. Deborah DeWinter, Programme Executive for the United States. “We are excited for the wisdom and passion US young adults will bring to the US Annual Meeting and 9th Assembly Pre-Event.” Registration information is available at
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will cost $75 for the event, food and hostel-style lodging at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Youth Center. For those who live in the area or prefer to secure other lodging, the event will cost $35, including lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.
Those adults attending the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event can register for “Shift Your Space Transform the World” on the Annual Meeting registration form, available at
The registration deadline is Friday, September 16, 2005. If you have questions, or would like to receive information about future US DOV young adult events, email Jenny Phillips, US DOV Program Assistant at
To download the flyer, click here (PDF)
To download the registration form, click here (PDF)
Source: Washington Office Action Alert
“Shift Your Space Transform the World: Young Adults Connecting Ecumenically for Peace and Justice,” October 8-10, 2005 in Chicago, IL, is an event for young adult leaders in peace and justice work that will provide opportunities to draw on the strength of the unity of the church by building ecumenical connections. Seminarians, students and youth delegates to the WCC’s 9th Assembly will find links between their peace and justice work and the World Council of Churches, and engage with the vision for peace promoted by the initiative, Decade to Overcome Violence: Churches Seeking Reconciliation & Peace 2001-2010 (DOV).
The gathering will be Saturday, October 8 at noon through Monday, October 10 at noon in Hyde Park, Chicago, IL. Hyde Park is home to the University of Chicago Divinity School, the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, McCormick Theological Seminary and others. “Seminarians are at the forefront of innovative peace and justice work,” says Jenny Phillips, US Decade to Overcome Violence Program Assistant and coordinator of this event. “We look forward to the wisdom and insight Chicago seminarians can share.”
Activities will include participation in local peace and justice projects, including an action with the Chicago chapter of the National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice. There will be time for sharing resources, and space for theological reflection with peace and justice leaders in the WCC and member communions. In addition, attendees will participate in a visioning process with members of the US Decade to Overcome Violence Committee to determine how the committee can best support young adults in ecumenical peace and justice work.
The Church of the Brethren is represented on the US Decade Committee by Phil Jones of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and Matt Guynn of On Earth Peace. "It is our hope that Brethren young adults will be able to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to explore peace and justice in this eccumenical, academic, and interactive setting", Jones states. Scholarships are available for Brethren who might need assistance in order to attend.
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will overlap with the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event, which will be held October 10-12, 2005 at the O’Hare Crown Plaza Hotel in Chicago, IL. The morning of Monday, October 10 will be used to prepare a young adult presentation for the Annual Meeting plenary to be held that evening. Young adults are invited to stay and participate in the Annual Meeting for as long or as little as they like. “The 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches has been deemed “the youth assembly” by General Secretary, Dr. Sam Kobia,” says Rev. Deborah DeWinter, Programme Executive for the United States. “We are excited for the wisdom and passion US young adults will bring to the US Annual Meeting and 9th Assembly Pre-Event.” Registration information is available at
“Shift Your Space Transform the World” will cost $75 for the event, food and hostel-style lodging at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Youth Center. For those who live in the area or prefer to secure other lodging, the event will cost $35, including lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.
Those adults attending the Annual Meeting of the US Conference for the World Council of Churches and the WCC 9th Assembly Pre-Event can register for “Shift Your Space Transform the World” on the Annual Meeting registration form, available at
The registration deadline is Friday, September 16, 2005. If you have questions, or would like to receive information about future US DOV young adult events, email Jenny Phillips, US DOV Program Assistant at
To download the registration form, click here (PDF)
Source: Washington Office Action Alert
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Youth conference will offer opportunity to 'Come and See.'
"Things are starting to take shape in the National Youth Conference office!" reports Emily Tyler, one of the three coordinators of the 2006 National Youth Conference (NYC) along with Cindy Laprade and Beth Rhodes. Promotional materials including a brochure are ready, speakers are being confirmed, and the being updated regularly, she said.
The dates for NYC are July 22-27, 2006 in Fort Collins, Colo., on the campus of Colorado State University. "This is where the past four NYCs have been held and the NYC staff is very excited to be working with this facility for another conference," Tyler said. All youth who have completed ninth grade through one year of college at the time of the 2006 NYC are eligible to attend. All youth must be accompanied by an adult advisor.
The theme for the conference is "Come and See" based on John 1:35-39. "In this passage, when the disciples asked Jesus where he was staying, instead of just telling them, he invited them to 'come and see,'" the brochure for the event says. "This is in keeping with Church of the Brethren heritage; letting actions speak louder than words. By inviting the disciples to come and see, Jesus was calling them to a disciple's life. NYC is the youth of the denomination's invitation to come and see who God is calling them to become as individuals, as disciples of Christ, as the Church of the Brethren, and as people of God living in a broken world."
Registrations for NYC will be accepted from Jan. 1-April 3, 2006. Cost per youth is $400, including all programs, lodging, and food while at NYC. A deposit of $200 must be paid when registering, with the balance due by April 3, 2006. All youth advisors and youth workers, and all others attending NYC also must register before April 3, 2006. Those registering before Feb. 15, 2006, will receive a free t-shirt for registering early.
Other important information that the coordinators are highlighting:
Two contests in preparation for NYC: a Youth Speech Contest and a Theme Song Contest. For the Speech Contest, youth are invited to write a 550-700 word (about 10 minutes spoken) speech focusing on the NYC theme. The two top entrants will give their speeches during a worship service at NYC. Entries should include both written and audio copies of the speech and should be sent to the NYC Office by Jan. 1, 2006. The second contest for the theme song is for anyone interested in writing music and lyrics. The song should be based on the NYC theme. The entry that is chosen will serve as the theme song for NYC 2006. Submissions of songs are due to the NYC Office by Nov. 1 in the form of both an audio recording and a printed copy of the words. Send submissions to NYC Office, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120.
The youth worker application form is ready and waiting to be sent to those interested in volunteering at the conference. "Youth workers are an essential part of the NYC staff, helping to carry out the programs and plans of the National Youth Cabinet as well as making sure that no details are missed," Tyler said. If you are interested in volunteering for the week of NYC as a youth worker or know of someone who would be interested, contact the NYC Office at, or call 800-323-8039.
Source: 8/3/2005 Newsline
"Things are starting to take shape in the National Youth Conference office!" reports Emily Tyler, one of the three coordinators of the 2006 National Youth Conference (NYC) along with Cindy Laprade and Beth Rhodes. Promotional materials including a brochure are ready, speakers are being confirmed, and the being updated regularly, she said.
The dates for NYC are July 22-27, 2006 in Fort Collins, Colo., on the campus of Colorado State University. "This is where the past four NYCs have been held and the NYC staff is very excited to be working with this facility for another conference," Tyler said. All youth who have completed ninth grade through one year of college at the time of the 2006 NYC are eligible to attend. All youth must be accompanied by an adult advisor.
The theme for the conference is "Come and See" based on John 1:35-39. "In this passage, when the disciples asked Jesus where he was staying, instead of just telling them, he invited them to 'come and see,'" the brochure for the event says. "This is in keeping with Church of the Brethren heritage; letting actions speak louder than words. By inviting the disciples to come and see, Jesus was calling them to a disciple's life. NYC is the youth of the denomination's invitation to come and see who God is calling them to become as individuals, as disciples of Christ, as the Church of the Brethren, and as people of God living in a broken world."
Registrations for NYC will be accepted from Jan. 1-April 3, 2006. Cost per youth is $400, including all programs, lodging, and food while at NYC. A deposit of $200 must be paid when registering, with the balance due by April 3, 2006. All youth advisors and youth workers, and all others attending NYC also must register before April 3, 2006. Those registering before Feb. 15, 2006, will receive a free t-shirt for registering early.
Other important information that the coordinators are highlighting:
Two contests in preparation for NYC: a Youth Speech Contest and a Theme Song Contest. For the Speech Contest, youth are invited to write a 550-700 word (about 10 minutes spoken) speech focusing on the NYC theme. The two top entrants will give their speeches during a worship service at NYC. Entries should include both written and audio copies of the speech and should be sent to the NYC Office by Jan. 1, 2006. The second contest for the theme song is for anyone interested in writing music and lyrics. The song should be based on the NYC theme. The entry that is chosen will serve as the theme song for NYC 2006. Submissions of songs are due to the NYC Office by Nov. 1 in the form of both an audio recording and a printed copy of the words. Send submissions to NYC Office, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120.
The youth worker application form is ready and waiting to be sent to those interested in volunteering at the conference. "Youth workers are an essential part of the NYC staff, helping to carry out the programs and plans of the National Youth Cabinet as well as making sure that no details are missed," Tyler said. If you are interested in volunteering for the week of NYC as a youth worker or know of someone who would be interested, contact the NYC Office at, or call 800-323-8039.
Source: 8/3/2005 Newsline
Southeastern District is 'Anchored in Jesus.'
"Anchored in Jesus" was the theme of Southeastern's 37th District Conference held in Mars Hill, N.C., from July 29-31. Past moderator Harold Rose presided over the business meetings, which included 106 delegates representing 33 of the 39 churches and one fellowship. In addition, activities were held each day for one of the largest gatherings of youth in recent years. The youth led worship on Saturday evening. Guest preacher for two worship services was Wallace Cole, pastor of Mount Airy (N.C.) Church of the Brethren.
The delegate body voted to re-open the Ramey Flats church in Clintwood, Va., as a fellowship under the leadership of Jack Taylor; begin a Bible study project in Marion, N.C., under the leadership of James Huskins; and approve a new Hispanic project/fellowship in Jefferson, N.C., called "Walking in Christ...Caminando Con Cristo," under the leadership of pastor Doug Diamond. The delegates also approved a budget of $76,901 for 2006. Installed as moderator for 2006 was Jim Hoffman, with Donna Shumate chosen as moderator-elect.
Other highlights included recognition of 24 people from HIS Way Fellowship/Iglesia Jesucristo El Camino, who reported that there are now 20 members and an average attendance of 35 on Sundays, and 15-20 on Wednesday evenings. A quilt auction was held, and a special offering of $750 was received to assist in sending youth to National Youth Conference.
Source: 8/3/2005 Newsline
"Anchored in Jesus" was the theme of Southeastern's 37th District Conference held in Mars Hill, N.C., from July 29-31. Past moderator Harold Rose presided over the business meetings, which included 106 delegates representing 33 of the 39 churches and one fellowship. In addition, activities were held each day for one of the largest gatherings of youth in recent years. The youth led worship on Saturday evening. Guest preacher for two worship services was Wallace Cole, pastor of Mount Airy (N.C.) Church of the Brethren.
The delegate body voted to re-open the Ramey Flats church in Clintwood, Va., as a fellowship under the leadership of Jack Taylor; begin a Bible study project in Marion, N.C., under the leadership of James Huskins; and approve a new Hispanic project/fellowship in Jefferson, N.C., called "Walking in Christ...Caminando Con Cristo," under the leadership of pastor Doug Diamond. The delegates also approved a budget of $76,901 for 2006. Installed as moderator for 2006 was Jim Hoffman, with Donna Shumate chosen as moderator-elect.
Other highlights included recognition of 24 people from HIS Way Fellowship/Iglesia Jesucristo El Camino, who reported that there are now 20 members and an average attendance of 35 on Sundays, and 15-20 on Wednesday evenings. A quilt auction was held, and a special offering of $750 was received to assist in sending youth to National Youth Conference.
Source: 8/3/2005 Newsline
Leaders are announced for TOGETHER launch event.
Leaders have been announced for the launch event of TOGETHER: Conversations on Being the Church. TOGETHER is an outgrowth of the ecclesiology conversation begun by the district executives. A program to extend the conversation to the whole church is being carried out by a committee of staff of denominational agencies and districts. "This consultation is a first step toward a new and common understanding within the church concerning who, whose, and what we are," planners said.
Lisa M. Hess and Brian D. Maguire will lead the TOGETHER launch event in New Windsor, Md., on Feb. 24-26, 2006. They also will help lead conversations at Annual Conference 2006. Hess teaches practical theology--ecclesiology, ministry formation, Christian education, and leadership development--at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Maguire is pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Xenia, Ohio. Prior to entering the ministry he worked as an attorney and human relations consultant helping Fortune 500 corporations, nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, and state and local governments through periods of change.
Maguire and Hess will facilitate a training process for district leaders at the launch event. Each district will select, elect, or discern one facilitator and two general representatives to send to the meeting. One Standing Committee member per district, as well as the district executives, also will be invited to participate. Annual Conference officers and leaders from the Conference agencies will attend as well.
The launch is envisioned as "a dynamic encounter with people from across the denomination, discussing `What does it mean to be the church?'" planners said. The hope is for district leaders to be prepared to model and lead different styles of conversation on that question in their own areas. Participants also will become familiar with the study guide for the TOGETHER conversations, which will be available for use in districts and congregations and at the 2006 Annual Conference. The training will focus on awareness of relationships within the Church of the Brethren structure, the broad scope of church history including Brethren history and Pietism and Anabaptism, recent patterns of church growth and development, the decline in mainline denominations, and generational differences in society.
Following the launch, the TOGETHER committee will develop dates and places for area and district meetings in conjunction with district executives, the Congregational Life Ministries staff of the General Board, and Ron and Harriet Finney, the volunteer coordinators for the regional events.
Plans for Annual Conference 2006 include an exhibit explaining the conversation process, a report to the Conference, insight sessions, special guest speakers, and experiences of the conversation process in small groups. Conversations also will take place at National Youth Conference and National Older Adult Conference in 2006. Information and insights from all of the conversations will be compiled. A culminating TOGETHER event is planned for Annual Conference 2007. For more information contact Mark Flory Steury, chair of the TOGETHER committee, at For information about the launch event contact Julie Hostetter at
Source: 8/3/2005 Newsline
Leaders have been announced for the launch event of TOGETHER: Conversations on Being the Church. TOGETHER is an outgrowth of the ecclesiology conversation begun by the district executives. A program to extend the conversation to the whole church is being carried out by a committee of staff of denominational agencies and districts. "This consultation is a first step toward a new and common understanding within the church concerning who, whose, and what we are," planners said.
Lisa M. Hess and Brian D. Maguire will lead the TOGETHER launch event in New Windsor, Md., on Feb. 24-26, 2006. They also will help lead conversations at Annual Conference 2006. Hess teaches practical theology--ecclesiology, ministry formation, Christian education, and leadership development--at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Maguire is pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Xenia, Ohio. Prior to entering the ministry he worked as an attorney and human relations consultant helping Fortune 500 corporations, nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, and state and local governments through periods of change.
Maguire and Hess will facilitate a training process for district leaders at the launch event. Each district will select, elect, or discern one facilitator and two general representatives to send to the meeting. One Standing Committee member per district, as well as the district executives, also will be invited to participate. Annual Conference officers and leaders from the Conference agencies will attend as well.
The launch is envisioned as "a dynamic encounter with people from across the denomination, discussing `What does it mean to be the church?'" planners said. The hope is for district leaders to be prepared to model and lead different styles of conversation on that question in their own areas. Participants also will become familiar with the study guide for the TOGETHER conversations, which will be available for use in districts and congregations and at the 2006 Annual Conference. The training will focus on awareness of relationships within the Church of the Brethren structure, the broad scope of church history including Brethren history and Pietism and Anabaptism, recent patterns of church growth and development, the decline in mainline denominations, and generational differences in society.
Following the launch, the TOGETHER committee will develop dates and places for area and district meetings in conjunction with district executives, the Congregational Life Ministries staff of the General Board, and Ron and Harriet Finney, the volunteer coordinators for the regional events.
Plans for Annual Conference 2006 include an exhibit explaining the conversation process, a report to the Conference, insight sessions, special guest speakers, and experiences of the conversation process in small groups. Conversations also will take place at National Youth Conference and National Older Adult Conference in 2006. Information and insights from all of the conversations will be compiled. A culminating TOGETHER event is planned for Annual Conference 2007. For more information contact Mark Flory Steury, chair of the TOGETHER committee, at For information about the launch event contact Julie Hostetter at
Source: 8/3/2005 Newsline
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