Anniversary group plans Youth Heritage Travel Teams.
The Annual Conference Anniversary Committee met March 13-15 in Elgin, Ill. Named at Annual Conference 2000, this committee is developing events, activities, and resources to help congregations, districts, and the denomination as a whole celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Church of the Brethren in 2008.
Engaging children and youth in the anniversary celebration was a key agenda item at the meeting. The committee met with Chris Douglas, General Board director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, who has agreed to work with the committee in planning for the training and equipping of Youth Heritage Travel Teams. These teams of two youth from each district will visit congregations during the anniversary year to interpret Brethren heritage and how it can shape the church today and into the future.
The committee also met with Wendy McFadden and Nancy Klemm from Brethren Press to receive updates on publishing projects related to the anniversary. "Meanest Man in Patrick County," a book by Frank Ramirez, was released at Annual Conference last summer. The second book in the anniversary series, "Another Way of Believing," by Dale Brown on Brethren theology, should be released at Annual Conference this summer. A sourcebook by Steve Longenecker on the Brethren between the world wars is being edited and indexed. In addition, Brethren Press is beginning work on a devotional book to be used during the anniversary year.
Updates on current and potential projects fleshed out the agenda: a kick-off celebration in Germantown, Pa., in Sept. 2007; a celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany, Aug. 3, 2008; a curriculum resource for the anniversary year; plans for Annual Conference 2008; a commemorative calendar; anniversary-related courses at the Brethren colleges; a tour guide for Brethren historical sites; submission of music, drama, and worship resources; and a study guide on the anniversary theme.
For more information on anniversary plans, including the submission of original musical compositions, drama resources, and worship resources, visit Committee members are Jeff Bach (chair), Don Durnbaugh, Dean Garrett, Rhonda Pittman Gingrich (recorder), Leslie Lake, Lorele Yager, and Lerry Fogle (ex-officio).
Source: 4/13/2005 Newsline
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