Nov. 1 is National Junior High Sunday in the Church of the Brethren. The theme is the same as that for this year's National Junior High Conference, “Honor God by Honoring Others” (Matthew 7:12). Find worship resources and a logo in pdf format at
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
News items pertaining to youth and young adults in the Church of the Brethren.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Establishing Policies to Restrict Military Recruiting in K-12 Schools
A free webinar about counter recruitment is offered by the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (NNOMY, see ) and hosted by the American Friends Service Committee. An event flier is at
. The webinar in three parts focuses on how to establish policies to
restrict military recruiting in K-12 schools. Participants are requested
to send name, e-mail address, and phone number to
by Friday, Aug. 21, in order to reserve a place in the webinar. The
webinar is offered in three parts on Aug. 26, Aug. 28, and Aug. 31 from
5-6 p.m. (Eastern time). Each session will cover a different set of
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Western Regional Youth Conference
Senior high youth in the western districts of the
Church of the Brethren are invited to set aside Jan. 15-17, 2016, to
attend Western Regional Youth Conference. On the theme, “Becoming the
Beloved Community” (Luke 17:20), the event takes place on Martin Luther
King Jr. Weekend on the campus of the University of La Verne in southern
California. “Violence, conflict, and controversy can tear us down and
break us apart,” said an announcement. “The beloved community seeks to
raise levels of relationships and work for justice--peacefully, simply,
together. Because the Kingdom of God is here; in our midst!” The cost is
$45 for youth and their adult advisors. Registration forms will be
available in the fall.
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
First Church of the Brethren in Chicago, Ill., helped host Westfield, N.J youth group
Members of First Church of the Brethren in Chicago, Ill., helped host
a youth group from First Congregational Church of Westfield, N.J., when
the youth were in Chicago for a short-term mission trip. The experience
received coverage by New Jersey Online, which reported that the annual
mission trip has become a summer tradition for the congregation which
sends its youth to serve in a different city each year. “More than 30
church representatives, including middle and senior high students,
friends, clergy members, and chaperones, traveled to Chicago, Illinois,
from July 19 to 25, to work with Discovering Opportunities for Outreach
and Reflection (DOOR), a faith-based organization that stresses local
immersion while working with inner-city communities,” said the report.
“Under the guidance of DOOR representatives from the First Church of the
Brethren, the First Congregational Church volunteers took public
transportation to work sites throughout the city, including community
parks and gardens, an adult day care center, a food distribution
warehouse, and a city-run Safe Haven program for youth. The students
also learned about the challenges of living in South Chicago through
speakers and activities arranged by DOOR.” Find the article at
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
2016 National Young Adult Conference Dates Set
Dates have been announced for the next National Young Adult Conference,
which will be held from Friday, May 27, to Monday, May 30, 2016, at
Manchester University in North Manchester, Ind. Young adults ages 18-35
are invited to put this event on their calendars and plan to attend.
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
The 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team has completed its travels this summer
The 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team has completed its travels
this summer, and has posted blogs from the camps and events where the
team attended. One recent post reflected on the team’s participation in
Brethren United Adventure Camp in North Carolina. This camp is hosted by
Camp Carmel, run by Camp Ithiel, and also attended this year by Camp
Bethel, Camp Brethren Woods, Camp Inspiration Hills, and Camp Harmony.
Each of the six camps sent campers and counselors to the joint adventure
camp. The 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team included Annika Harley, Brianna
Wenger, and Kerrick van Asselt. Find their blogposts at
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Source: 8/20/2015 Newsline
Thursday, July 02, 2015
2016 Assistant Workcamp Coordinators Named
The Church of the Brethren Workcamp Ministry has announced the assistant coordinators for the 2016 season:
Deanna Beckner of Columbia City (Ind.) Church of the Brethren, and
Amanda McLearn-Montz of Panther Creek Church of the Brethren in Adel,
Iowa. Beckner graduated from Manchester University in May with a degree
in Communication Studies. McLearn-Montz graduated from Tulane University
in May with a degree in Spanish and Public Health. The two assistant
coordinators will begin their work in August, to plan for the 2016
workcamp season.
source: 7/2/2015 Newsline
source: 7/2/2015 Newsline
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Junior high conference helps youth address change, while keeping a focus on God
Photo by Glenn Riegel
Junior high youth gather at Elizabethtown College in
Pennsylvania for the 2015 National Junior High Conference.
An acorn. Small, ordinary, even insignificant. Yet that small seed transforms into a massive, rooted, solid oak tree.
That transformation was the metaphor for change used by the organizers of the 2015 National Junior High Conference held June 19-21 at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. The message came through clearly.
In total, 325 youth, advisors, and staff attended the conference and participated in workshops, recreation times, and even a carnival while also sharing meals and worship together.
Theme guides youth through change
The worship sessions each built upon the metaphor of transformation. The theme from the weekend was based on Romans 12:1-2, which, in the Message version, states, “Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering.” In addition, the youth were charged to not allow themselves to “become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.”
Organizers of the event, including director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Becky Ullom Naugle, wanted to acknowledge the changes junior high youth go through and remind them to keep their focus on God.
“We were thinking about different images for change, and the acorn starts so small and so insignificant, but it turns in to this mighty oak tree,” she said. “And we thought that could help the kids see long term. It’s not about how you look or what you have. God’s looking at other things.”
Kristen Hoffman, coordinator of National Junior High Conference and a Brethren Volunteer Service worker, said she wanted the students to feel energized. “We wanted to focus on their gifts and talents and have them fueled by that and ready to go back to their junior highs,” she said.
Preachers share personal stories, challenges
That energizing process began with the opening worship service. Lauren Seganos, a seminarian at the Memorial Church of Harvard University and member of Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa., had the first opportunity to address the attendees, and she shared a personal story about her time in junior and senior high.
She talked about how much she enjoyed singing and performing and how she would audition for parts in musicals and solos in choir. However, another classmate usually earned those leads and solos. Seganos said she became so discouraged, she turned down an opportunity to sing at a coffee house hosted by her high school during her senior year.
She told the crowd that today, she can look back and see her focus was in trying to be the best rather than accepting the talents and strengths she did have. “We are all made in God’s image,” she said during her message, “but sometimes it’s hard to remember that.”
Putting unrealistic expectations on ourselves is a quick way to lose focus. “We’re in a culture where everyone needs to be the best at everything, and it’s worse today than when I was a child,” she said. “I think it’s important to not focus on being the best necessarily, but focus on what brings you joy because when we’re doing something that comes from our heart, that pleases God.”
Seganos said she was excited when contacted by the conference organizers. “They explained to me the vision for the weekend, with the image of the acorn and how it ties in,” she said. “I love the scripture passage; I actually have a poster of that up on my wall, that verse in the Message translation, and I thought it was so neat that that was the verse they asked me to preach on.”
On Saturday morning the transformation metaphor was expanded when Bethany Theological Seminary academic dean Steve Schweitzer talked about filters. He began by showing what different pictures looked like with different filters, such as different color filters, simple back and white, or even a negative filter. He then talked about the filters through which we see ourselves, or how others see us, or how God sees us. His theme was identity, an important topic for junior high youth.
“This is an age in which the answer to the question about knowing who you are can change every day,” he said. “We have to recognize that God sees us as no one else can and to know that God knows who we are and who we will become, so even when we screw up and get it wrong, God is there to call us into being that which God sees in us.”
Amy Gall Ritchie, a former Church of the Brethren pastor who now works with students at Bethany Seminary, also used pictures and images as part of her message during Saturday night’s worship service. She showed pictures of trees that grew in prevailing winds, trees that have grown more horizontally than vertically. She explained how while we should grow vertically, stretching to God, the prevailing winds of peer pressure can cause any of us to change direction.
She related a powerful story about peer pressure, describing how a group of friends organized a trip to the mall and while there, devised a plan to ditch one person in the group. Knowing what she was doing was wrong, she went ahead with her friends. The plan worked.
Acknowledging her guilt in making a bad choice, she had advice for those in worship that night: “We are going to make bad choices,” she said, “but there is always the next choice. We do not have to carry around our bad choices like a chain of punishment.”
Realizing those next-choice opportunities is the key to avoiding bad choices in the future, not to mention the guilt that comes with them. “If we get discouraged and give up, then we’re in that unproductive place of shame and guilt again,” she said. “And honestly, if I’m going to put my energy into something, I want to put it into goodness.”
Pacific Southwest District moderator Eric Bishop gave the message closing the conference on Sunday morning, building on what previous speakers had said. He challenged the youth to keep in mind what they had heard over the weekend, and challenged the adults as well.
“Yours has to be the just generation,” he told the youth. “We are failing and falling. Each generation, we hope the next will be the change we want and need. If we are going to change, we must help show you how.”
He talked about the mistake some people make in their underestimating of junior high youth. “We tell the youth, ‘You're the future, but [you have to] wait.’ But I think they are not the future; they are a part of the church now. We need to bring them in and listen to them,” he said.
Workshops include Charleston discussion
Between worship sessions, youth and advisors alike had opportunities to unwind or get wound up. Saturday afternoon featured opportunities for sports and recreation, utilizing Elizabethtown’s facilities for kickball, volleyball, and Ultimate Frisbee.
Saturday’s schedule also featured two sessions of workshops, where youth could learn about a wide variety of topics including what Brethren volunteers are doing in Nigeria, how pop culture relates to faith, how not to be a jerk, among many others.
Organizers also saw an opportunity for discussion with the tragic shooting in South Carolina. Bishop offered to facilitate a talk specifically about what happened in Charleston, and also more generally about violence and race. He said it was a good chance to discuss some important topics. “It was primarily advisors, but those are the people who help influence the youth,” he said. “It’s interesting because there was a point where I said, ‘OK, we’ve been here an hour, so you’re welcome to come and go as you need,’ but no one moved.”
All of the discussions and activities took place in large part because of the efforts of the steering committee, which included Dave Miller, Michelle Gibbel, Eric Landram, and Jennifer Jensen. “Anytime at conference when something needed to happen they were always the first ones who said they’d do it,” Hoffman said. That included the Saturday night carnival, featuring activity booths from Brethren Volunteer Service, Global Mission and Service, Bethany Seminary, and McPherson College.
Seth Hendricks led the musical portion of worship, including praise songs and an original work based on the conference’s theme.
All of the activities and fellowship made for a positive experience.
“It’s been a good and healthy place for kids to be over the weekend,” Ullom Naugle said.
-- Josh Harbeck is a high school English teacher and member of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill., where he serves as a junior high teacher.
Glenn Riegel, a photographer and member of Little Swatara Church of the Brethren in Bethel, Pa., has posted albums from the National Junior High Conference at
Source: 6/24/2015 Newsline
Lightsabers and communicating with junior highs: An interview with Bethany dean Steve Schweitzer
Photo by Glenn Riegel
Bethany Seminary dean Steve Schweitzer speaks
at 2015 National Junior High Conference
When pondering the best tools to use to communicate with junior high youth, lightsabers may not appear on the top of the list. However, according to Bethany Theological Seminary academic dean and professor Steve Schweitzer, they may have their place.
Schweitzer is teaching a new course at Bethany called “Science Fiction and Theology,” and he brought some of the ideas discussed in that class to a workshop at the National Junior High Conference held June 19-21 at Elizabethtown (Pa.) College.
Schweitzer showed clips from the Star Wars and Star Trek movie and television franchises, along with clips from various episodes of the BBC television show “Dr. Who.” Each of these clips had to do with faith, humanity, relationships, and concepts of God.
Why bring topics from a college course to a junior high conference? For Schweitzer, the answer is simple. “This is my favorite age group. I love junior high,” he said. “They’re honest, they ask good questions, and they don’t know yet that those aren’t the questions you’re supposed to ask. There’s a blunt honesty about life that makes you smile.”
Junior high is an important time in the life of an adolescent, a time when many changes are happening. One of those changes is independence that manifests itself partly in choices about entertainment. Authority figures must have an idea about what junior high students are consuming.
“We have to be aware about what's going on culturally and be willing to engage it in productive ways” Schweitzer said. “That doesn’t mean we have to agree with it, but we have to communicate about the truth of the gospel and truth of our faith in ways that make sense.”
Schweitzer brought up the example of Paul and how he tried to minister in the New Testament. “He doesn’t go in and pull out references that no one understands. He talks to them in ways they understand culturally and ways that make sense,” he said. “That’s a huge part of what it means to communicate effectively in our culture.”
That means taking an interest in the interests of students. Those who serve as authority figures have to be able to meet the students on their level. “Think about the young adult dystopian phase right now, like the Hunger Games and Divergent [book series and movies], and if your children are into that, for you not to talk about why this is so appealing and what’s the attraction seems to me a big missed opportunity, whether it's a parent or a teacher or a pastor,” Schweitzer said.
In the end, communication is about honesty. A genuine interest in the interest of the students will bring about real conversations about serious topics. That’s how a discussion of Yoda’s philosophies about the Force in “The Empire Strikes Back” can lead to discussions about faith and the Holy Spirit.
“They want someone who is going to respect them and listen to them and is going to, when they have a question, have a real answer,” Schweitzer said. “Saying, ‘I don't know’ is fine, but [we also say,] ‘This is how I am able to make sense of some of this.’ That authenticity and respect is huge.”
-- Josh Harbeck is a high school English teacher and member of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin, Ill., where he serves as a junior high teacher.
Glenn Riegel, a photographer and member of Little Swatara Church of the Brethren in Bethel, Pa., has posted albums from the National Junior High Conference at
Source: 6/24/2015 Newsline
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
National Junior High Conference worship will be webcast
Link to the webcasts at
The conference worship schedule and speakers:
- Friday, June 19, at 7:15 p.m. (Eastern time): Lauren Seganos, a member of Stone Church of the Brethren in Huntingdon, Pa., is a student at Andover Newton Theological School outside of Boston, Mass. As part of her education, she is a seminarian at the Memorial Church of Harvard University.
- Saturday, June 20, at 9 a.m. (Eastern): Bethany Seminary dean and professor Steve Schweitzer teaches courses in Old Testament, and a new course on Science Fiction and Theology, at the Church of the Brethren seminary in Richmond, Ind.
- Saturday, June 20, at 7 p.m. (Eastern): Amy Gall Ritchie works with students at Bethany Theological Seminary, and has been a pastor and spiritual director in the Church of the Brethren.
- Sunday, June 21, at 9 a.m. (Eastern): Eric Bishop is a member of La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren, moderator of the Pacific Southwest District for 2015, and a graduate of the University of La Verne. He is vice president of student services for a community college in southern California.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
2016 Western Regional Youth Conference
Dates have been set for the next Western Regional Youth Conference
in 2016, to be held over the Martin Luther King Day weekend, Jan.
15-17, on the campus of the University of La Verne in southern
California. The theme will be “Becoming the Beloved Community” (Luke
17:20). Registration, fees, details about leadership, and information on
special events will be made available later this summer, said an
announcement from Pacific Southwest District.
Source: June 10, 2015 Newsline
Source: June 10, 2015 Newsline
Youth and Young Adult Ministry Internship
The Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministry is publicizing an opportunity
for an individual who is interested in volunteer work to serve with the
ministry beginning later this year. This Brethren Volunteer Service
(BVS) assignment is based at the Church of the Brethren General Offices
in Elgin, Ill., and will include opportunity for a young adult to work
in a professional environment that is spiritually rooted and serves
young people in the Anabaptist and Pietist traditions. Additional
opportunities include a communal living situation at the BVS Intentional
Community House in Elgin, active mentorship by a member of the Highland
Avenue Church of the Brethren, spiritual formation support for
individual growth, and administrative experience for national ministry
programming. To express interest or for more information contact Becky
Ullom Naugle, director of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at
Source: June 10, 2015 Newsline
Source: June 10, 2015 Newsline
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Christian Citizenship Seminar 2015 takes on the topic of immigration
Photo by Kristen Hoffman
Some notes taken during the 2015 Christian Citizenship Seminar on the topic of immigration
Youth discuss connections between immigration and faith
By Jenna Walmer
On April 18, Church of the Brethren youth gathered in New York City at the start of Christian Citizenship Seminar (CCS), a conference that allows youth to explore the connections between a specific topic and our faith. This year the topic was immigration.
The seminar culminates with congressional visits in Washington, D.C. Throughout the seminar, we discussed the importance of our faith’s connection with citizenship and how immigration impacts our lives. It is a busy week filled with learning, fun, and spiritual growth. Following is an abridged version of what goes down at CCS.
Walking through New York’s Times Square with luggage in tow is definitely an adventure. We admired the sites of the city, but we walked many blocks to find our hotel. After we recuperated from the long walk and went to dinner, we had our first session led by Nate Hosler and Bryan Hanger of the Office of Public Witness. Nate discussed the connections of immigration to the Bible. Then, Bryan introduced talking points for our congressional visits.
The next day, we split up and went to churches around the city. I went to Judson Memorial, a church that is affiliated with the Baptists and United Church of Christ. This church was very different and not what I expected, but I could definitely see myself attending. The preacher was pretty socialist, and the whole congregation was accepting of everyone: people with AIDS, homosexuals, immigrants. They also promoted being politically and socially active.
What interested me was that the preacher was arrested with Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez. Later in the evening, the speaker was actually the preacher we listened to that morning at Judson. She told story after story about immigrants she has helped. This developed an emotional connection to the facts we already started to learn. Putting a story to the facts is important to connect with congressional visits.
Photo by Kristen Hoffman Rev. Michael Livingston of Riverside Church in New York speaks with the CCS group |
Finally, the day of travel! The bus trip is one of the first times you get to interact with a larger group of people. Then, we arrived in Washington, D.C. We had a meeting with Julie Chavez Rodriguez, deputy director of the White House’s Office of Public Engagement. We had the opportunity to be on the White House campus! We were sniffed by a drug dog. I even saw the fountain that you always see on TV, and I have pictures of the outside of the West Wing and all the Secret Service Cars. Julie Chavez Rodriguez gave us insight on President Obama’s agenda on immigration. She also told us about the internship program at the White House.
After dinner, Jerry O’Donnell gave us our first full lesson on how to talk to our representatives. He told us to use personal experiences, and acknowledge the conditions of the government currently. Also, he reminded us that we are speaking for those who do not have a voice, the immigrants.
Wednesday we had another legislative training session in the morning. This session gave us examples in the form of a pretend meeting of what to do and what not to do while in an office. We also discussed our main points once again, so they were fresh in our memory. The speaker told us to lead with a story of how immigration has impacted our lives. She also told us that congressmen don’t demilitarize the border because they are afraid. They don’t act on immigration reform and give immigrants rights because they are afraid. These points stuck with me as we moved into our own groups and preparation for our Hill visits.
My group went to Senator Bob Casey’s office. We asked him about demilitarization of the border. Casey is a Democrat. He votes to keep military at the border because it is one thing that the Republicans want to keep in immigration reform. The aide explained that this is “give and take,” what Casey “gives” to the Republicans so he can receive something else in return. In the evening, we reflected with the larger group on our visits.
Our final session reflected on the week, and how we’ve grown mentally and spiritually. After the session, we took many pictures, exchanged hugs, and said our goodbyes. Our pastor arrived with our van and we were off, ready to be disciples of Christ, now able to spread the word about immigration to our communities to make a difference in the world.
As we become active in politics and discern what issues are near and dear to our hearts, remember to keep a connection to faith in mind. Remember to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Finally, remember to act without fear.
-- Jenna Walmer is a high school senior from Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren who also blogs for the Dunker Punks blogsite.
Source: 5/13/2015 Newsline
Christian Citizenship Seminar reflections
By Corrie Osborne
Youth group trips are a special thing in themselves, but Christian Citizenship Seminar (CCS) is even more unique in the fact that its attendees get to learn and take political action about a certain topic. At this year's Christian Citizenship Seminar, a few main points have continued to be ingrained in our minds. We learned that as Christians it is important to care for people whether they are documented or not, that immigrants are helping our economy rather than hurting it, and that there is no justified reason to keep immigrants out.
A sermon was about caring for the flock without being particular about who you are helping--this includes immigrants. One of our speakers, a pastor from Judson Memorial Church and long time political activist, told us the story of around 30 female police officers throughout New York City who have volunteered to answer calls of help from undocumented immigrants who are being abused. In order to keep them from being deported, the officers have to keep the visits off the books. In other words, the officers choose what they believe is morally right to take precedence over the steps that the broken immigration system calls them to take.
We learned that it is important to be educated about a subject, but also to take action in ways that apply to you. Sometimes it is better to lean toward mercy and hospitality as opposed to the letter of the law.
While it may seem inconsequential to deport undocumented immigrants, an estimated 11 million are already living in the United States. Their jobs mainly involve manual labor, agriculture, the restaurant business, and domestic help. One frequent argument used against immigrants living in the US is that they are taking available jobs away from “born and bred” Americans. To the contrary, approximately $6 billion to $7 billion worth of Social Security tax is paid by undocumented workers each year. This statistic does not include the millions of dollars of wages that are paid under the table.
The truth is that documented and undocumented workers alike do the jobs that not many American citizens would care to do themselves. In addition, Social Security taxes from undocumented workers will never come to fruition for themselves; the money goes into a large pool doled out among legal citizens. In essence, those undocumented immigrants are paying for the rest of us to retire.
To better understand the issue, we met with someone who has first-hand experience working with the personal and political aspects of the immigration issue--Julia Chavez Rodriguez, the daughter of Cesar Chavez. We witnessed how she connects with groups across the country and gathers stories in order to put a human face on President Obama's policies. A main point of hers was that there aren't any quality arguments to justify keeping immigrants out.
The two issues that bring the most contention are not having a personal connection to an immigrant family and being uneducated about the matter. As in many other cases, misinformation leads to fear. Some say that the immigration system is “broken,” but several prominent figures suspect that the complicated governmental pyramid is forming immigration policies to be purposefully vague in order to create a stalemate. That fragile political environment makes it easy to score political points as a politician. A politician's stance on immigration can affect their whole platform and change the outcome of a race.
In summation, we learned that the key component to the immigration issue is lack of compassion and the dehumanization of immigrants. It is important for us as a church to be open and welcoming because that is what we are called to do. However, we observed that the politicians we spoke with didn't directly answer the questions we asked--in part because they might not have been completely familiar with the topic at hand, but also because the nature of their job requires that they don't give away too much. Sadly, it's too dangerous to become a partisan even within one's political group.
Most importantly, we understood that the best thing we can do for this issue is to take what we have learned with us, in order to use it later in life when the opportunity arises.
-- Corrie Osborne is a senior high youth at Manchester Church of the Brethren in North Manchester, Ind.
Source: 5/13/2015 Newsline
Youth group trips are a special thing in themselves, but Christian Citizenship Seminar (CCS) is even more unique in the fact that its attendees get to learn and take political action about a certain topic. At this year's Christian Citizenship Seminar, a few main points have continued to be ingrained in our minds. We learned that as Christians it is important to care for people whether they are documented or not, that immigrants are helping our economy rather than hurting it, and that there is no justified reason to keep immigrants out.
A sermon was about caring for the flock without being particular about who you are helping--this includes immigrants. One of our speakers, a pastor from Judson Memorial Church and long time political activist, told us the story of around 30 female police officers throughout New York City who have volunteered to answer calls of help from undocumented immigrants who are being abused. In order to keep them from being deported, the officers have to keep the visits off the books. In other words, the officers choose what they believe is morally right to take precedence over the steps that the broken immigration system calls them to take.
Photo by Kristen Hoffman
Staff take a break during the 2015 CCS: (from left)
Office of Public Witness director Nate Hosler and
advocacy associate Bryan Hanger, and Youth and
Young Adult Ministry director Becky Ullom Naugle.
Staff take a break during the 2015 CCS: (from left)
Office of Public Witness director Nate Hosler and
advocacy associate Bryan Hanger, and Youth and
Young Adult Ministry director Becky Ullom Naugle.
While it may seem inconsequential to deport undocumented immigrants, an estimated 11 million are already living in the United States. Their jobs mainly involve manual labor, agriculture, the restaurant business, and domestic help. One frequent argument used against immigrants living in the US is that they are taking available jobs away from “born and bred” Americans. To the contrary, approximately $6 billion to $7 billion worth of Social Security tax is paid by undocumented workers each year. This statistic does not include the millions of dollars of wages that are paid under the table.
The truth is that documented and undocumented workers alike do the jobs that not many American citizens would care to do themselves. In addition, Social Security taxes from undocumented workers will never come to fruition for themselves; the money goes into a large pool doled out among legal citizens. In essence, those undocumented immigrants are paying for the rest of us to retire.
To better understand the issue, we met with someone who has first-hand experience working with the personal and political aspects of the immigration issue--Julia Chavez Rodriguez, the daughter of Cesar Chavez. We witnessed how she connects with groups across the country and gathers stories in order to put a human face on President Obama's policies. A main point of hers was that there aren't any quality arguments to justify keeping immigrants out.
The two issues that bring the most contention are not having a personal connection to an immigrant family and being uneducated about the matter. As in many other cases, misinformation leads to fear. Some say that the immigration system is “broken,” but several prominent figures suspect that the complicated governmental pyramid is forming immigration policies to be purposefully vague in order to create a stalemate. That fragile political environment makes it easy to score political points as a politician. A politician's stance on immigration can affect their whole platform and change the outcome of a race.
Photo by Kristen Hoffman
The group of senior high youth and adult advisors at Christian Citizenship Seminar 2015
The group of senior high youth and adult advisors at Christian Citizenship Seminar 2015
Most importantly, we understood that the best thing we can do for this issue is to take what we have learned with us, in order to use it later in life when the opportunity arises.
-- Corrie Osborne is a senior high youth at Manchester Church of the Brethren in North Manchester, Ind.
Source: 5/13/2015 Newsline
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Young Adult Conference 2015
May 22 - 24, 2015
Where: Camp Swatara in Bethel, PA
When: May 22-24, 2015
Who: All young adults are welcome (Ages 18-35)
Cost: $125 ($150 after April 30)
Go to: to register or for more information.
Where: Camp Swatara in Bethel, PA
When: May 22-24, 2015
Who: All young adults are welcome (Ages 18-35)
Cost: $125 ($150 after April 30)
Go to: to register or for more information.
National Junior High Conference 2015

Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA
June 19 – 21, 2015
Living the Change:
Our Offering to God
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
—Romans 12:1 – 2 (The Message)
Come join us for a weekend packed with powerful worship, fun workshops, music, and recreation!
For Junior High Youth (those who have completed grades 6 – 8) and their advisors.
Early bird registration, from January 9 – March 31, is $160 per personTravel scholarships are available to those who live west of the Mississippi River. Download the form and check registration deadlines on the NJHC website.
(participants and advisors).
Regular registration, on and after April 1, is $185 per person.
A non-refundable deposit of $80 is required within two weeks of submitting your online registration to hold your spot.
Registration begins online January 9, 2015 at 12 noon central time.
Check the website for frequent updates!
Contact Kristen Hoffman, NJHC Coordinator,
by phone at 847-429-4389 or
by email at
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
May 3 is National Youth Sunday
May 3 is National Youth Sunday in the Church of the
Brethren, on the theme, “Always Loved, Never Alone” (Romans 8:28-39).
Worship planning resources will be posted April 1 at
Source: 3/31/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/31/2015 Newsline
Summer workcamp to be at new Brethren Disaster Ministries project site in Colorado
Brethren Disaster Ministries is opening a new disaster recovery
project in Greeley, Colo., in May. Several days of heavy rain in the
fall of 2013 turned five rivers into raging torrents through the hills
and canyons north of Denver. The flooding destroyed 1,882 homes and left
5,566 others with major damage.
Brethren Disaster Ministries volunteers will work on various types of home repair for flood survivors. Volunteer housing is being provided by a Lutheran church in Greeley.
This new disaster rebuilding site also will be a Church of the Brethren workcamp site this summer, reports Theresa Ford of the Workcamp Ministry. The workcamp is for senior high youth in grades 9 through age 19, and adult advisors. Minimum age for this workcamp is 15, but 14-year-olds may participate if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian as an advisor.
Dates of the workcamp are June 14-20. Cost is $285. A $150 non-refundable deposit is due seven days after online registration confirmation, and the full balance of the registration fee is due by April 1. Registration is open online until April 1, go to
Source: 3/31/2015 Newsline
Brethren Disaster Ministries volunteers will work on various types of home repair for flood survivors. Volunteer housing is being provided by a Lutheran church in Greeley.
This new disaster rebuilding site also will be a Church of the Brethren workcamp site this summer, reports Theresa Ford of the Workcamp Ministry. The workcamp is for senior high youth in grades 9 through age 19, and adult advisors. Minimum age for this workcamp is 15, but 14-year-olds may participate if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian as an advisor.
Dates of the workcamp are June 14-20. Cost is $285. A $150 non-refundable deposit is due seven days after online registration confirmation, and the full balance of the registration fee is due by April 1. Registration is open online until April 1, go to
Source: 3/31/2015 Newsline
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Peace First Prize Fellowship program for young people age 8 to 22
Applications for the Peace First Prize Fellowship program for young people
age 8 to 22 are due by March 30 at 5 p.m. (eastern time). The prize
celebrates the contributions of youth peacemakers by recognizing five
young people for their compassion, courage, and ability to create
collaborative change. “Through a two-year $25,000 Peace First
Fellowship, we will invest in their leadership as peacemakers and share
their stories with the nation,” said an announcement of the program. For
US-based peacemakers only, the program is a two-year investment in
young people with a track record of making change in their communities
in the United States. Go to for more information.
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Camp Bethel’s Sounds of the Mountains Festival of Music and Storytelling - April 17-18
Camp Bethel’s annual Sounds of the Mountains Festival of Music and Storytelling
is April 17-18. It will be the 14th festival hosted by the camp located
near Fincastle, Va. This year’s event features nationally known tellers
Donald Davis, Dolores Hydock, Patrick Ball, and Baba Jamal Koram, as
well as performances by After Jack and the Back Porch Studio Cloggers.
Tickets and information are available at
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Shepherd’s Spring Birdwatcher Retreat - May 1-3
Shepherd’s Spring, a camp and outdoor ministry center in Mid-Atlantic District, is holding a Birdwatcher Retreat
on May 1-3. The event is for beginner to intermediate birders and is “a
great family opportunity,” said an announcement. “It will include some
basic bird watching techniques, bird games, migration information,
planting and feeding suggestions for your backyard, and time to listen
to the sounds of the birds in the area.” The retreat is led by
professional ornithologist and executive director of the Gulf Coast Bird
Observatory Chris Eberly, and University of Maryland- Eastern Shore
biology professor Doug Ruby. Cost for the full retreat package including
two night’s lodging and four meals is $125. A reduced price is
available for those who do not wish to stay overnight. Bring your own
binoculars and field guides. Call 301-223-8193.
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Camp Mt. Hermon “On the Edge” Survival Camp - Aug. 2-7
This year the Outdoor Ministries Team of Western Plains District offers a new experience for campers:
“On the Edge” Survival Camp held Aug. 2-7 at Camp Mt. Hermon in Kansas.
The camp is limited to 12 campers (half girls, half boys) who have
completed grades 7 to 10. Leaders/co-directors will be Randall Westfall
and Jan Hurst. Cheryl Mishler will be the spiritual adviser and nurse.
Learn more at
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Reflection On A Visit to the Office of Public Witness
A guest post by Church of the Brethren young adult Jenna Walmer
has been shared on the Office of Public Witness blog. Walmer, who will
attend Bridgewater (Va.) College in the fall, writes about her work to
discern a calling in life, and how it relates to a “job shadowing” visit
she made to the Office of Public Witness. She had been preparing to
become a physical therapist, but “being raised in the Church of the
Brethren provided me with a passion for peace, and as I grow up that
passion burns brighter,” she wrote. “Fast forward to this past summer in
Colorado, I had a change of heart. I spent a few days with seminary
professors before National Youth Conference exploring my call. During
Exploring Your Call, we explored ways we know it is God’s will for what
we are pursuing. One that especially applies to me is the compelling of
the Holy Spirit, or nudges from God. Over the past few years, the word
“peace” has been etched in my heart, and during that week I recognized
that this is where I was being ‘nudged.’” Read her full blogpost at
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Bethany Theological Seminary’s Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults
Bethany Theological Seminary’s Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults
has issued a reminder that registration is still open for “Anabaptism,
the Next Generation,” an event held at the seminary in Richmond, Ind.,
on April 17-19. The event is for those in ministry with young adults and
welcomes all who want to explore the growing edges of Anabaptism. Go to for more information and to register.
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Young Adult Conference is planned for Pennsylvania in May
By Laura Whitman
The 2015 Young Adult Conference will be held at Camp Swatara near Bethel, Pa., from May 22-24. The conference for those that are age 18-35, sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministry. The theme for the conference, that will shape worship and workshops is: “You Shall Go Out With Joy: Transforming the World’s Thorns with Joyful Action” based on Isaiah 55:12-13.
Featured speakers are Andy Murray, Samuel Sarpiya, Karen Duhai, and
Joanna Johnson. Andy Murray is the moderator-elect of the Church of the
Brethren Annual Conference. Samuel Sarpiya is a Church of the Brethren
pastor and church planter in Rockford, Ill. Karen Duhai, originally from
Bedford, Pa., is currently in seminary at Bethany, in Richmond, Ind.
Joanna Johnson grew up in the Methodist Church and is attending Tulane
University in New Orleans, La.
The worship coordinators are Rachel Witkovsky of Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, and Kelsey Murray of Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Musical leadership is by Rachel Bucher Swank of Annville, Pa.
There will be plenty of time for fellowship, games, and singing around the campfire. Registration is now open and scholarship requests will be accepted until April 17. Cost is $125 or $150 after April 30. Register now at Please contact Laura Whitman with any further questions at or 847-429-4323.
-- Laura Whitman is a Brethren Volunteer Service worker and is helping to coordinate Young Adult Conference and National Older Adult Conference.
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
The 2015 Young Adult Conference will be held at Camp Swatara near Bethel, Pa., from May 22-24. The conference for those that are age 18-35, sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministry. The theme for the conference, that will shape worship and workshops is: “You Shall Go Out With Joy: Transforming the World’s Thorns with Joyful Action” based on Isaiah 55:12-13.
The worship coordinators are Rachel Witkovsky of Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren, and Kelsey Murray of Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. Musical leadership is by Rachel Bucher Swank of Annville, Pa.
There will be plenty of time for fellowship, games, and singing around the campfire. Registration is now open and scholarship requests will be accepted until April 17. Cost is $125 or $150 after April 30. Register now at Please contact Laura Whitman with any further questions at or 847-429-4323.
-- Laura Whitman is a Brethren Volunteer Service worker and is helping to coordinate Young Adult Conference and National Older Adult Conference.
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
‘Early bird’ registration for National Junior High Conference ends soon
Thinking about attending National Junior High Conference 2015? Online registration is open! We encourage you to register soon to take advantage of special early bird rates. Through March 31, the cost is $160 per person. After March 31, the cost for regular registration is $185 per person. Travel scholarships are available to those who live west of the Mississippi River. For more information and to register, visit or call 847-429-4389.
National Junior High Conference is sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Ministry, which is a part of Congregational Life Ministries. The conference will be held on June 19-21 on the campus of Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. Junior high youth and their adult advisors will be invited to consider Romans 12:1-2 and the theme, “Living the Change: Our Offering to God.”
The theme asks participants to consider taking their everyday, ordinary life--our sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life--and place it before God as an offering. As junior high youth encounter a number of changes in their lives, NJHC 2015 will encourage them to live the changes in ways pleasing to God.
The event will be enriched by worship speakers Lauren Seganos, Steve Schweitzer, Amy Gall-Ritchie, and Eric Bishop. Seth Hendricks will be coordinating music, and worship will be coordinated by Rebekah Houff and Trent Smith. In addition to four celebrations of worship, there will be time for learning in workshops and for play during recreation.
We are excited to announce that our special evening activities include a performance by Chris Ivey, an interactive juggler, and an evening carnival complete with fun games, snacks, and music. We look forward to meeting and worshipping with you in Elizabethtown!
-- Kristen Hoffman is a Brethren Volunteer Service worker and coordinator of this year’s Christian Citizenship Seminar and National Junior High Conference.
Source: 3/18/2015 Newsline
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Bridgewater Roundtable RYC - March 20-22
The Roundtable regional youth conference is held at Bridgewater (Va.) College on March 20-22, on the theme “Follower and Friend: Our Relationship with God” (John 15:12-17). Leadership is provided by Carol Elmore, music and youth minister at Oak Grove Church of the Brethren. The event includes worship, small groups, workshops, a variety show, singing, vespers, recreation, and more. Participants stay on the college campus for the weekend and eat meals in the college dining hall. “Brethren from different districts come together to reconnect with NYC friends, or to make new friends,” said an announcement from Virlina District. Estimated cost is $50 per participant. Roundtable is open to senior high youth in grades 9-12. Pre-registration is recommended. For more information, go to or contact
Source: 3/10/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/10/2015 Newsline
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Mutual Kumquat at Hollidaysburg (Pa.) Church of the Brethren - 4/18
Mutual Kumquat, a popular Brethren band, will be in concert at Hollidaysburg (Pa.) Church of the Brethren
on Saturday, April 18, at 7 p.m., sponsored by Camp Blue Diamond in
Middle Pennsylvania District. Pre-concert music begins at 6 p.m. “Mutual
Kumquat shares an eclectic sound and positive message through their
unique combination of danceable rhythms, stick-in-your-head melodies,
rich harmonies, and uplifting, fun-filled lyrics,” said an invitation to
the event. Mutual Kumquat has performed at National Youth Conference,
Annual Conference, National Older Adult Conference, Song and Story Fest,
and other venues. Cost is $5, plus either a jar of peanut butter,
jelly, or spaghetti sauce to donate to the American Rescue Workers of
Hollidaysburg. For more information visit . For questions call 814-667-2355.
Source: 3/4/2015 Newsline
Source: 3/4/2015 Newsline
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Youth ministry webinar series continues with focus on ‘Life and Time’
The third webinar in a series on Christian practices for teens,
offered for adult leaders of youth, will be on the topic “Life and
Time.” Emily Tyler, coordinator of workcamps and volunteer recruitment
for the Church of the Brethren, will be leading the webinar which takes
place the evening of Tuesday, March 3, at 8 p.m. (eastern time).
This is one in a series of webinars offered jointly by staff of the Church of the Brethren, Bethany Theological Seminary, and On Earth Peace. These staff are teaming up to provide informational and educational webinars geared to pastors, parents, and anyone who works with youth, primarily within the Church of the Brethren.
This series takes the form of a book study of “Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens” edited by Dorothy C. Bass and Don C. Richter, and will offer reflections on a few selected chapters of the book. While having a copy of the book is helpful, it is not required. The book may be purchased through Brethren Press at or by calling 800-441-3712.
Both a telephone and a computer are required to join the webinar. To join the video portion, go to and enter the phone number and access code given below (the technology used for this webinar works best with non-mobile devices). After joining the video portion, participants will need to join the audio portion by dialing 877-204-3718 or 303-223-9908. The access code is 8946766.
For those of you who wish to view the web portion via an iPad, download the link from the iTunes store (Level 3), and have the conference telephone number and access code available to enter. You will still need to join the audio portion with the Audio Login credentials. The name of the app is Level 3.
The final webinar in the series is planned for May 5, at 8 p.m. (eastern), on the topic “Forgiveness and Justice” led by Marie Benner-Rhoades of the On Earth Peace staff.
Ordained ministers may earn .1 continuing education credit for participating in the real-time event. To request continuing education credit, prior to the webinar contact Bekah Houff, coordinator of Outreach Programs at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., at
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
This is one in a series of webinars offered jointly by staff of the Church of the Brethren, Bethany Theological Seminary, and On Earth Peace. These staff are teaming up to provide informational and educational webinars geared to pastors, parents, and anyone who works with youth, primarily within the Church of the Brethren.
This series takes the form of a book study of “Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens” edited by Dorothy C. Bass and Don C. Richter, and will offer reflections on a few selected chapters of the book. While having a copy of the book is helpful, it is not required. The book may be purchased through Brethren Press at or by calling 800-441-3712.
Both a telephone and a computer are required to join the webinar. To join the video portion, go to and enter the phone number and access code given below (the technology used for this webinar works best with non-mobile devices). After joining the video portion, participants will need to join the audio portion by dialing 877-204-3718 or 303-223-9908. The access code is 8946766.
For those of you who wish to view the web portion via an iPad, download the link from the iTunes store (Level 3), and have the conference telephone number and access code available to enter. You will still need to join the audio portion with the Audio Login credentials. The name of the app is Level 3.
The final webinar in the series is planned for May 5, at 8 p.m. (eastern), on the topic “Forgiveness and Justice” led by Marie Benner-Rhoades of the On Earth Peace staff.
Ordained ministers may earn .1 continuing education credit for participating in the real-time event. To request continuing education credit, prior to the webinar contact Bekah Houff, coordinator of Outreach Programs at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., at
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
ENGAGE to welcome prospective students to Bethany Seminary
By Jenny Williams
Campus visit days are well-established events at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., eliciting appreciation from attendees for the information and hospitality they receive. The spring 2015 ENGAGE visit day, to be held Friday, March 27, will again offer prospective seminary students as much of the Bethany experience as possible in a day’s time.
Faculty, current students, and staff will be involved in leadership. A morning presentation, “Living Words, Living People: Creative Ways of Presenting Scripture in Worship,” will be led by Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Brightbill Professor of Preaching and Worship. “This session will explore new ways to read, recite, and perform scripture in worship--and help us understand scripture as a living text that seeks to engage us today. We’ll look and listen to scripture anew, in ways that call forth the best of our energy and imagination.”
Attendees will learn about Bethany’s newly revised curriculum and its many options from Steve Schweitzer, academic dean. Over lunch, a presentation on the changing landscape of ministry will be led by Scott Holland, Slabaugh Professor of Theology and Culture, and Tara Hornbacker, professor of ministry formation, missional leadership, and evangelism.
To convey the student experience, a student panel discussion will be held via Bethany’s new technology classroom, demonstrating how Bethany allows for distance students to participate in classroom events in real time. Kristy Shellenberger, an MA student, will lead joint worship for the Bethany and Earlham School of Religion communities, and students will also give tours of the Earlham College campus.
Information on the financial investment of seminary education will include the amenities of the emerging Bethany Neighborhood in addition to financial aid and other considerations presented by Brian Schleeper, student services associate. Courtney Hess, grant project director, will speak to the research and programming being undertaken to address student debt and ongoing stewardship, of which the housing and community opportunities of the Neighborhood are a part. Students who have already applied also will be able to meet with faculty.
Bethany will cover lodging expenses and two meals for ENGAGE guests.
For more information and to register, visit or call 800-287-8822.
On Saturday, all are invited to stay for the Willson Lectures at Earlham School of Religion, presented by renowned writer and speaker Diana Butler Bass on the topic, “Finding the Spirit of God in the Spirit of the World.” The event is free; breakfast and lunch will cost $25, and registration is required. For more information go to
-- Jenny Williams is director of communications and alumni/ae relations for Bethany Theological Seminary.
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
Campus visit days are well-established events at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., eliciting appreciation from attendees for the information and hospitality they receive. The spring 2015 ENGAGE visit day, to be held Friday, March 27, will again offer prospective seminary students as much of the Bethany experience as possible in a day’s time.
Faculty, current students, and staff will be involved in leadership. A morning presentation, “Living Words, Living People: Creative Ways of Presenting Scripture in Worship,” will be led by Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Brightbill Professor of Preaching and Worship. “This session will explore new ways to read, recite, and perform scripture in worship--and help us understand scripture as a living text that seeks to engage us today. We’ll look and listen to scripture anew, in ways that call forth the best of our energy and imagination.”
Attendees will learn about Bethany’s newly revised curriculum and its many options from Steve Schweitzer, academic dean. Over lunch, a presentation on the changing landscape of ministry will be led by Scott Holland, Slabaugh Professor of Theology and Culture, and Tara Hornbacker, professor of ministry formation, missional leadership, and evangelism.
To convey the student experience, a student panel discussion will be held via Bethany’s new technology classroom, demonstrating how Bethany allows for distance students to participate in classroom events in real time. Kristy Shellenberger, an MA student, will lead joint worship for the Bethany and Earlham School of Religion communities, and students will also give tours of the Earlham College campus.
Information on the financial investment of seminary education will include the amenities of the emerging Bethany Neighborhood in addition to financial aid and other considerations presented by Brian Schleeper, student services associate. Courtney Hess, grant project director, will speak to the research and programming being undertaken to address student debt and ongoing stewardship, of which the housing and community opportunities of the Neighborhood are a part. Students who have already applied also will be able to meet with faculty.
On Saturday, all are invited to stay for the Willson Lectures at Earlham School of Religion, presented by renowned writer and speaker Diana Butler Bass on the topic, “Finding the Spirit of God in the Spirit of the World.” The event is free; breakfast and lunch will cost $25, and registration is required. For more information go to
-- Jenny Williams is director of communications and alumni/ae relations for Bethany Theological Seminary.
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
National Youth Cabinet Meeting
on April 1.
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
McPherson Regional Youth Conference - March 6-8
“Keep Calm and Be a Dunker Punk” is the theme for Regional Youth Conference
at McPherson (Kan.) College on March 6-8. The event is for senior high
youth and advisors. The theme scripture is from Isaiah 1:17: “Say no to
wrong. Learn to do good. Work for justice. Help the down-and-out. Stand
up for the homeless. Go to bat for the defenseless” (The Message). The
conference will feature leadership by David Radcliff of the New
Community Project, and performances by Mutual Kumquat and Ted and Co.
The fee for youth to attend is $65. Special pricing is available for
college students willing to volunteer part of their time to assist with
the weekend. For more information and online registration go to For questions contact Jen Jensen, McPherson College director of Spiritual Life, or 620-242-0503.
The public is invited to performances by Mutual Kumquat and Ted and Co. in McPherson, Kan., as part of the Regional Youth Conference. Ted and Co. will present “Laughter Is Sacred Space” in Brown Auditorium at McPherson College at 12 noon on March 6, and “The Big Story” at 1 p.m. on March 7 at McPherson Church of the Brethren. Mutual Kumquat, a band rooted in the Church of the Brethren, and billed as “obviously the best band ever,” will perform at the McPherson Church at 9 p.m. on March 7. “All are welcome to attend these events!” said an invitation from the church.
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
The public is invited to performances by Mutual Kumquat and Ted and Co. in McPherson, Kan., as part of the Regional Youth Conference. Ted and Co. will present “Laughter Is Sacred Space” in Brown Auditorium at McPherson College at 12 noon on March 6, and “The Big Story” at 1 p.m. on March 7 at McPherson Church of the Brethren. Mutual Kumquat, a band rooted in the Church of the Brethren, and billed as “obviously the best band ever,” will perform at the McPherson Church at 9 p.m. on March 7. “All are welcome to attend these events!” said an invitation from the church.
Source: 2/25/2015 Newsline
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Youth Peace Travel Team is named for 2015
By Becky Ullom Naugle
The 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team has been announced. The team is cooperatively sponsored by the Outdoor Ministries Association, On Earth Peace, Bethany Theological Seminary, and the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Public Witness and Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office.
The four team members for 2015 are:
Follow the ministry of the 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team by visiting
-- Becky Ullom Naugle is director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Church of the Brethren.
Source: 02/03/2015 Newsline
The 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team has been announced. The team is cooperatively sponsored by the Outdoor Ministries Association, On Earth Peace, Bethany Theological Seminary, and the Church of the Brethren’s Office of Public Witness and Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office.
The four team members for 2015 are:
- Annika Harley of Madison (Wis.) Mennonite Church
- Michael Himlie of Root River Church of the Brethren in Northern Plains District
- Brianna Wenger of Woodbridge Church of the Brethren in Mid-Atlantic District
- Kerrick van Asselt of McPherson Church of the Brethren in Western Plains District.
Follow the ministry of the 2015 Youth Peace Travel Team by visiting
-- Becky Ullom Naugle is director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Church of the Brethren.
Source: 02/03/2015 Newsline
Romans 12 provides theme for National Junior High Conference
National Junior High Conference will be held June 19-21 on the campus
of Elizabethtown (Pa.) College. The conference will invite youth and
their advisors to consider Romans 12:1-2. The theme, “Living the Change:
Our Offering to God,” asks participants to consider taking their
everyday, ordinary life--our sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and
walking around life--and place it before God as an offering.
As junior high youth encounter a number of changes in their lives, the conference will encourage them to live the changes in ways pleasing to God. The event will be enriched by worship speakers Lauren Seganos, Steve Schweitzer, Amy Gall-Ritchey, and Eric Bishop. Seth Hendricks will be coordinating music, and worship will be coordinated by Rebekah Houff and Trent Smith.
In addition to four celebrations of worship, there will be time for learning during workshops and time for play during recreation and evening activities.
Online registration is open at Register now to take advantage of early bird rates! Through March 31, the cost is $160 per person. After March 31, the cost for regular registration is $185 per person. Travel scholarships are available to those who live west of the Mississippi River.
For more information and to register, visit or call 847-429-4389. National Junior High Conference is sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Office.
-- Becky Ullom Naugle is director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Church of the Brethren.
Source: 02/03/2015 Newsline
As junior high youth encounter a number of changes in their lives, the conference will encourage them to live the changes in ways pleasing to God. The event will be enriched by worship speakers Lauren Seganos, Steve Schweitzer, Amy Gall-Ritchey, and Eric Bishop. Seth Hendricks will be coordinating music, and worship will be coordinated by Rebekah Houff and Trent Smith.
In addition to four celebrations of worship, there will be time for learning during workshops and time for play during recreation and evening activities.
Online registration is open at Register now to take advantage of early bird rates! Through March 31, the cost is $160 per person. After March 31, the cost for regular registration is $185 per person. Travel scholarships are available to those who live west of the Mississippi River.
For more information and to register, visit or call 847-429-4389. National Junior High Conference is sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Youth and Young Adult Office.
-- Becky Ullom Naugle is director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries for the Church of the Brethren.
Source: 02/03/2015 Newsline
Bridgewater Roundtable - March 20-22
Roundtable, a Church of the Brethren regional youth conference, takes place at Bridgewater (Va.) College on March 20-22.
The theme, “Follower and Friend: Our Relationship with God,” is
inspired by John 15:12-17. The speaker will be Carol Elmore, minister of
youth and music at Oak Grove Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va.
Friday night entertainment will feature Jessica Crawford, a Christian
recording artist and former member of the youth group at Bridgewater
Church of the Brethren. The event also includes small groups, workshops,
a variety show, singing, vespers, recreation, and more. Participants
will stay on the college campus for the weekend and eat their meals in
the dining hall. Estimated cost is $50 per participant. The event is for
high school age youth and adult advisors. Information is being posted,
with registration opening soon, at For questions e-mail
Source: 2/3/2015 Newsline
Source: 2/3/2015 Newsline
Friday, January 30, 2015
Service Sunday 2015
"Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus..." (Philippians 2:5, NRSV).
Service Sunday is February 1.
It encourages you and your congregation to discover opportunities to serve through the Church of the Brethren, celebrate those who serve, explore possibilities for service in our local communities, and be transformed through serving one another.
Find worship resources at
Service Sunday is February 1.
It encourages you and your congregation to discover opportunities to serve through the Church of the Brethren, celebrate those who serve, explore possibilities for service in our local communities, and be transformed through serving one another.
Find worship resources at
Christian Citizenship Seminar 2015
Christian Citizenship Seminar happens each year and is a powerful experience for all who attend. CCS brings together youth who are passionate, discerning, and concerned about justice and the well-being of our denomination, our communities, and our nation. Participants of past years have shared that their week at CCS was filled with experiences they remember for the rest of their lives.
The 2015 Christian Citizenship Seminar, held April 18 - 23 in New York City and Washington D.C., will focus on the complexities of US immigration policy, suggested reforms, and the consequences of both on immigrant communities. At CCS, high school aged youth and their advisors will explore the issue of immigration and the ways in which faith helps understand and form beliefs about it. This experience will help equip them to understand immigration and to educate their own communities about issues related to immigration.
During this week-long event, participants will explore the ways in which their lives intersect with the lives of immigrants through hearing personal stories from immigrants in the U.S., people who work with immigrants, individuals who are connected with both theology and immigration, and those who work in advocacy and policy-making. Participants will gather new cultural insights in New York City through attending multicultural church services and the United Nations, and in Washington, D.C. they will visit Capitol Hill and meet their representatives and senators to discuss the topic of immigration. Throughout the week, there are important times to get to know other participants, worship together, and reflect upon the day's events.
Through this conference, students are empowered to take home what they have learned, stay informed about the issue of immigration, and to share about their learning experiences to teach others.
Thank you for supporting great learning opportunities like these that build community and train leaders to address the needs of today.
Learn more about Christian Citizenship Seminar at or call Kristen Hoffman at 847-429-4389 or email her at
-- By Kristen Hoffman, BVS volunteer with Youth and Young Adult Ministry
The 2015 Christian Citizenship Seminar, held April 18 - 23 in New York City and Washington D.C., will focus on the complexities of US immigration policy, suggested reforms, and the consequences of both on immigrant communities. At CCS, high school aged youth and their advisors will explore the issue of immigration and the ways in which faith helps understand and form beliefs about it. This experience will help equip them to understand immigration and to educate their own communities about issues related to immigration.
During this week-long event, participants will explore the ways in which their lives intersect with the lives of immigrants through hearing personal stories from immigrants in the U.S., people who work with immigrants, individuals who are connected with both theology and immigration, and those who work in advocacy and policy-making. Participants will gather new cultural insights in New York City through attending multicultural church services and the United Nations, and in Washington, D.C. they will visit Capitol Hill and meet their representatives and senators to discuss the topic of immigration. Throughout the week, there are important times to get to know other participants, worship together, and reflect upon the day's events.
Through this conference, students are empowered to take home what they have learned, stay informed about the issue of immigration, and to share about their learning experiences to teach others.
Thank you for supporting great learning opportunities like these that build community and train leaders to address the needs of today.
Learn more about Christian Citizenship Seminar at or call Kristen Hoffman at 847-429-4389 or email her at
-- By Kristen Hoffman, BVS volunteer with Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Young Adult Steering Committee Meets at the Church of the Brethren General Offices
The Youth and Young Adult Office welcomed the Young Adult Steering Committee to the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill., last week. Members of the committee include Jess Hoffert, Heather Houff Landram, Amanda McLearn-Montz, Mark Pickens, and Kyle Remnant. The group was led by Laura Whitman and assisted by Kristen Hoffman, in their planning for the 2015 Young Adult Conference.
Source: 01/21/2015 Newsline
Source: 01/21/2015 Newsline
Monday, January 19, 2015
IL/WI District 2015 Spring Youth Retreat
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat
April 10th through April 12th, 2015
Freeport Church of the Brethren
777 W Pleasant St,
Freeport, Illinois 61032
The registration form can be found online.
April 10th through April 12th, 2015
Freeport Church of the Brethren
777 W Pleasant St,
Freeport, Illinois 61032
- What: Rick Polhamus will be our session leader and will be sharing about his recent trip to Iraq and share about the history of this troubled part of the world. Topics will include Iraq, ISIS, and drone warfare.
- When: Registration will begin at 7 pm on Friday Night. Retreat participants will be dismissed on Sunday around 11:45am.
- Who: Everyone currently in 9th through 12th grades during the 2014-2015 school year. Friends and advisors are welcome.
- Cost: $40 for youth – no charge for advisors. Make checks payable to “Illinois/Wisconsin District Youth”
- What to Bring: Bible, games, sleeping bag, snacks to share, towel.
The registration form can be found online.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
New On Earth Peace Interns
On Earth Peace has introduced new interns
Madeline Dulabaum, who will serve as editor of the “Peacebuilder”
newsletter, and Michael Himlie who will be youth peace coordinator.
Dulabaum will prepare each issue of the newsletter and will be exploring
a new look for the publication. She is a student at DePaul University
in Chicago, Ill., and has served on the news teams for Annual Conference
and National Youth Conference, as well as editor for her high school
magazine. Himlie’s duties will include coordinating peace retreats at
congregations and districts, leading workshops at regional youth
conferences, and connecting with youth throughout the denomination. He
is a student at Manchester University and recently completed a year of
Brethren Volunteer Service where he served with New Community Project
and took part in a delegation to the Middle East with Christian
Peacemaker Teams. He also has served with On Earth Peace as part of
Ministry of Reconciliation teams at Annual Conference and National Youth
Source: 01/14/2015 Newsline
Source: 01/14/2015 Newsline
Church of the Brethren Regional Youth Conference 2015
The Regional Youth Conference will feature leadership by special guests David Radcliff of the New Community Project, Mutual Kumquat, and Ted & Co. The event is for youth in grades 9-12 and their adult advisors. Special pricing is available for college students willing to volunteer part of their time to assist with the weekend. Workshops are provided respectively for youth, youth leaders, college students. Registration will open later in January. More information will be made available soon. Contact Jen Jensen, McPherson College Director of Spiritual Life, with any questions at or 620-242-0503.
Source: 01/14/2015 Newsline
Tuesday, January 06, 2015
Youth ministry names National Youth Cabinet for 2015-2016
A new National Youth Cabinet has been named by
the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry, led by
director Becky Ullom Naugle. She reported that the new cabinet hopes to
hold its first meeting in February.
Members of the 2015-2016 National Youth Cabinet are:
Becky Ullom Naugle, director of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry, will work with the cabinet to create a theme and resources for National Youth Sunday 2015 and 2016. For more about the denomination’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry go to
Source: 01/06/2015 Newsline
Members of the 2015-2016 National Youth Cabinet are:
- Krystal Bellis from Ankeny Church of the Brethren in Northern Plains District,
- Yeysi Diaz from the Cristo Nuestra Paz/West Charleston congregation in Southern Ohio District,
- Jeremy Hardy from Hagerstown Church of the Brethren in Mid-Atlantic District,
- Alexa Harshbarger from Bremen Church of the Brethren in Northern Indiana District,
- Olivia Russell from Olympic View Church of the Brethren in Pacific Northwest District,
- Digby Strogen from La Verne Church of the Brethren in Pacific Southwest District.
Becky Ullom Naugle, director of the Youth and Young Adult Ministry, will work with the cabinet to create a theme and resources for National Youth Sunday 2015 and 2016. For more about the denomination’s Youth and Young Adult Ministry go to
Source: 01/06/2015 Newsline
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