Friday, October 11, 2013

ENGAGE Day at Bethany Theological Seminary - Nov 1

Nov. 1 is the date of the next campus visit day at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind. “Have you been considering visiting Bethany? Do you know someone who might like to experience what Bethany has to offer? ENGAGE is a day of options designed for you to explore the Bethany experience with other people interested in theological education,” said an announcement. The day will offer prospective seminary students the opportunity to worship together with the Bethany Seminary community and partner seminary Earlham School of Religion (ESR), hear a student panel, experience a class session, lunch with faculty, discuss financial aid and the admissions process, and take a campus tour. Register at or contact director of admissions Tracy Primozich at 765-983-1832 or

Source: 10/11/2013 Newsline

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