Friday, October 13, 2006

November 3-5, 2006

Purpose: The conference will bring together youth and adults to discuss ways to counter the actions of military recruiters. The focus will be on highly recruited areas such as communities of color and settings of poverty.

  • provide accurate information on the realities behind military advertising and recruitment
  • Equip congregations with meaningful nonmilitary opportunities for education, job training, and employment for youth
  • Discuss strategy for counter-recruitment in public schools and other public settings
  • Provide opportunities for networking and sharing of resources.
This conference is organized by the Mennonite Central Committee. For more information and to register for the conference (scholarships are available) go to:

Brethren at the conference will be greeted by Phil Jones of the Brethren Witness/Washington Office and Matt Guynn of On Earth Peace.

Counter-recruitment can be about much more than being against recruiters or resisting No Child Left Behind. Counter-recruitment can be at the intersection of gospel peace and gospel evangelism. It can be about inviting entire communities into God's dream of shalom that began with Eden and continues to this day. It can be about youth being mentored and accompanied into meaningful futures, of congregations catching a vision of economic development and making easy the paths that lead to life, of seeking anew and proclaiming God's leadings toward wholeness and dignity for all.
- from scheduled workshop leader Matt Guynn, OEP

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